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Posts published in “News”

Young Marines Graduate

Young Marines Graduated Saturday By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton High School Tiger Gym was filled with camoflauge as 37 young men and women were honored with passing the Young Marines training program. Family and friends were on hand to witness the ceremony that also included a small cake cutting…

Tragic accident near Logan NM

By Todd Wildermuth A teenager who spent some of her  youth in Raton died in a single-vehicle accident near Logan  in east-central New Mexico  Sunday evening, November 3rd. The rollover accident also left another  passenger dead while the driver survived.   State Police reported Adrienne Trujillo, 19, of Clayton, a former Raton resident,…

Colfax County Commission meets

By Todd Wildermuth   A 13-member committee that was appointed this week is expected to hold its first meeting early next month to begin the work of updating the Colfax County Comprehensive Plan, with a key goal being to ensure the plan lines up with regulations and standards contained in…

Another short Raton City Commission Meeting

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Raton city commissioners worked through another short meeting Tuesday night at City Hall.   Commissioners approved Resolution 2013-43, the first quarter financial report. Mayor Bobby LeDoux mentioned that the report is much easier to read and understand and thanked Michael Ann Antonucci for her…

Raton Man Sentenced to Prison

By Todd Wildermuth     A Raton man who shot another local man outside a South Second Street motel has been sentenced to a nine-year prison term in connection to the June 2012 incident, the intent of which a prosecutor described as having been “to ambush and shoot (the victim)…

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