Posts published in “News”
The Homecoming King and Queen were crowned Friday morning at the Homecoming Pep Rally held in Tiger Gym. This year the voting was so close that 12 candidates were chosen instead of the usual 10. Presenting the 2013 Raton High School Homecoming King and Queen. Cam Baird and Michelle Guara.…
The king and queen will be presented to the public between the JV and Varsity matches on Thursday. The King and Queen will be crowned Friday morning at the pep rally in Tiger Gym at 10:00 a.m.
Submitted by Marty Mayfield Raton Public Service employees help the MCMC Auxiliary to place pink ribbons on the tree in Ripley Park. The ribbons are part of project by the auxiliary to help women who are unable to pay for a mamogram to get that help as part of breast…
FATAL ACCIDENT IN TRINIDAD: TWO KILLED, AND ONE IN CRITICAL CONDITION On Sunday, September 29, 2013 at approximately 4:20 pm, Trinidad Police Officers were dispatched to an accident on I-25 at mile marker 13. Upon arrival, officers located a small pick-up with heavy damage resting between the guardrail and the…
Kickin’ ‘Round The Neighborhood! By Debbie Are YOU New Mexico True? Congratulations to La Cosina!!! They had a very special visit today by the State of New Mexico Tourism Department. La Cosina, because of their long family history in Raton, and their same location have been declared “NEW MExICO…
Raton City Commission Deals with Routine Business By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening for their last regular meeting of September to deal with mostly routine business. However during committee reports a couple of matters with the water department and Raton Public Service were…
AGENDA CITY OF RATON REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING RATON CITY HALL, 224 SAVAGE AVE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 AT 6PM A regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Raton will be held on September 24, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. The Meeting will be called to order by…
The Marines have landed; Let the Fun Begin The Colfax County Young Marines Established its first beachhead at the RatonHigh School last Saturday. Forty plus recruits ages 8-17 showed up for their first day of familiarization and recruit training. Commander Bert Goodfallow (USMC Ret.) expressed satisfaction at the turnout. “My…
Enrollment Declines in Raton Other Schools see Improvement By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Each year school administrators start looking at enrollment figures at the 10th day of school to try to recalculate their budgets. This year is no different and for the Raton schools it will be…