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Posts published in June 2022

The City of Trinidad Scheduled Mosquito Spraying Every Wednesday Begins on June 29, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m

NOTICE The City of Trinidad has scheduled mosquito spraying to begin weekly through the mosquito season. Spraying will occur every Wednesday begin on June 29, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The City maintains its list of No-Spray Zones year to year. Any new No-Spray status should be submitted…

In Loving Memory of Catheryn Menapace

IN LOVING MEMORY OF CATHERYN VELMA MENAPACE JULY 15, 1948- JUNE 1, 2022. Catheryn died unexpectedly on June 1, 2022 Catheryn Menapace was born to Doris Maria (Chenowith) and Sam Maria Raton New Mexico. She had a beautiful heart and had various jobs during her lifetime including landscaping, coal mining,…

Colfax County Colfax County REQUEST FOR BIDS Avgas and Jet A Fuel for the Colfax County Airport, Angel Fire, NM

REQUEST FOR BIDS #2022-02 Avgas and Jet A Fuel for the Colfax County Airport, Angel Fire, NM Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Colfax County will accept sealed bids for Avgas and Jet A Fuel for the Colfax County Airport, Angel Fire, NM. Bid specifications may…

In Loving Memory of Ricky Lee Waits Sr.

Ricky Lee Waits Sr. 52, passed away on May 26th,2022. Born in Denver, Co. on February 15, 1970, he is preceded in death by his mother Sue Ann Waits of Trinidad, Co., his father Fred Maestas or Trinidad, Co., his grandmother Irene Morgan of Grand Junction, Co., his uncle Mark Waits of…

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