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Raton City Commission Meeting for June 14, 2022

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday June 14, 2022 for their first regular meeting of June where they approved purchases of boilers and other repairs of city faculties.

The Memorandum of Agreement with the Shuler Restoration Corp and a proposal by Lamar Billboard were postponed till the next meeting.

Mayor Neil Segotta gave the report on the Colfax County Senior Center as Monica Finkbone was in Wagon Mound meeting with the commission there. Segotta noted the center is doing well with finances in well in the black however, if it had not been for federal Cares Act monies the local center and the senior organization as a whole would be seeing a major deficit in funding. Segotta is hopeful that the center will meet or exceed expectations for meals and visitation this coming year. HE noted it would be a sign that things are getting back to a more normal, normal.

Commissioners approved a plan to upgrade the 1990 vintage boiler at the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library with a new hybrid boiler. The current boiler is a steam boiler, and the hybrid will allow the city to upgrade to a more efficient hot water system in the future when more money becomes available. The cost of the project is estimated at $16,400.

Two change orders for the Aquatic Center were brought up for commission approval. Change order #2 deals primarily with HVAC system repairs on the roof of the facility and will add $18,372 to the current upgrades. Change order #3 will replace the current boiler at the aquatic center. City Manager Scott Berry noted that it would be better to replace the boiler instead of replacing parts. That way the city would get a new more efficient system and should last several more years. The cost of this project is $32,533.

Human Resources Development Associates due to retirements will no longer be able to perform their duties as a sub-contractor in the JJAC program. City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci noted they will put out a request for proposal to find a new boys council and girls circle facilitators.

Stantec Consulting will help the city with the application for the Brownfield Program grant. Berry noted the application for this grant is very involved and complicated. He thought the consulting would be several thousand dollars, but Stantec has bid $2000 to help with the application.

The City of Raton was awarded the Municipal Coop grant from NMDOT for street improvements. The grant request asked for $150,000 but the city was only awarded $50,000. Berry suggested that the city use city crews to do much of the work and still get most of the work requested in the grant application completed for a total cost of $66,667.

City Treasurer Antonucci noted in her budget adjustment that things are nearing an end for this fiscal year and that results in mostly line-item transfers to balance out the budget. Antonucci noted that the process to receive reimbursement from the feds is lengthy, so she is having to move monies to pay contractors and engineers on the depot project while the city awaits reimbursement. (Link to Budget Adjustment #15 FY22)

City Manager Berry noted in his report that the city extended the restrictions on the sale of fireworks in light of the extreme drought conditions. He went on to add that many of the construction projects around town are nearing an end. The paving at the depot is complete. Byron and Whittier streets are now under construction with the greenhouse project underway and should be complete in mid-July. The hangar at the airport is under construction and expected to be complete in October with electrical components on hold till September for the armory electrical upgrade.

The new transfer station is open for business with hours of 7:30 to 3:30 Monday thru Friday and 10-2 on Saturday. Berry wants residents to visit the station and learn about the new requirement for the items that can be recycled. He noted that the Armstrong facility is closed so no dumping is allowed there.

The commission will meet again on June 28th at 6:00 p.m. at city hall for their next regular meeting.


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