By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commission met Tuesday evening April 12, where they approved a resolution to support the VA Clinic in Raton to prevent it from closing after only eight years in operation.
Mayor Neal Segotta has requested that all area Vets and residents contact their state and federal representatives and let them know that closing the VA Clinic is not a good thing as this clinic serves vets from the local area and surrounding states. Commissioner Ron Chavez read the resolution out loud a rare occasion in a city commission meeting. (Link to Resolution Resolution 2022-18 VA Clinic Support) (Link to VA Clinic Cuts Ribbon for Opening )
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax recommendation for the Dawson Reunion with the exception of the last three items requested which included food and lodging for special guests as well as the Elks Lodge deposit ($725). These three items don’t fall under the allowable items according to the lodger’s tax code. The total request approved was $12,578 minus the $725 or $11,853.
Commissioners approved the event form for the Run for the Wall event and the celebration permit for the High Country Meats open house for April 23, 2022.
Commissioners then heard from Terry Sikes about the introduction of ordinances pertaining to water and sewer rate changes for the city. Commissioners approved the introduction of the ordinances and will hold public hearings concerning the changes in the future. One item is changes in the cost of tap fees. Sikes noted that the current tap fee barely covers some of the costs of doing the connect. The emergency rate for water hasn’t been updated in 44 years and Sikes felt it time to bring those rates up to date with current rates. Also, water and sewer rates will increase by 5% a year over the next few years. According to Sikes the state uses a water calculation of 6000 gallons and at that usage water and sewer rates will only go up by one dollar.
Commissioners postponed the lease agreement with the Colorado Division of Wildlife for the 6000 acre Lake Dorothy property in Colorado as the negotiations are still ongoing. City Manager Scott Berry hoped to have the lease agreement for the next meeting. Of concern is simply access to the property. In July of 2020 the State of Colorado imposed restrictions to the property requiring either a hunting or fishing license for access. They also closed it off to hiking and mountain biking.
Mayor Segotta noted that he is hoping for expanded business at the lake noting if you run out of bait you must drive all the way back to Raton for more. He also noted that the property should be the southern entrance to the Fisher’s Peak State Park once it gets fully opened.
Commissioners reappointed Joe Rodman to the Library Board. They also approved the upgrade to LED lighting using Lodger’s Tax non promotional funds for the Tourist Information Center at a cost of $6,792.53. N&K Electric was the only bid received for the project.
Commissioners approved the quote from GM Emulsion for a seal coat for the parking lots at City Hall, Raton Senior Center and the Multi-Modal center. The cost for the seal coat is expected to be about $30,000. Commissioners also approved the application for a chip seal project along with the request for a match waiver. The project will include 28 streets totaling about seven miles of chip seal paving. (link to Chip Seal Project)
Budget Adjustment #10 for FY22 is mostly line item changes covering the update on the NMFA loan for fire trucks, a change in the county EMS grant from $2500 to $2750. ( Link to FY22 Budget Adjustment #10)
City Manager Berry had a very short report noting that the county will institute a fire ban which the city is fully supporting. Commissioners then voted to go into executive session to discuss litigation concerning the case with Mark and Lori Van Buskirk.
City Offices will be closed Friday April 15, for Good Friday and there may be a quorum of commissioners at the meeting with Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez at the Shuler Theater on April 20 at 1:30 p.m. The next regular commission meeting is Tuesday April 26, 2022.
Link to Proclamation Autism Awareness Month