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Friends of the Library Book Sale
February 18, 2017

The Arthur Johnson Memorial Library in Raton, NM is hosting the Friends of the Library Book Sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 18th. This sale allows the Friends of the Library to assist with the purchase of items outside the library’s regular budget.
This year, there are hundreds and hundreds of used books in adult fiction, non-fiction, self-help, cooking, reference and more along with many children and young adult books. Many of these books have been donated to the library while others have recently come out of the library’s circulation. The sale takes donations only—choose as many book as you would like and give as much as you can!
For decades, the Friends of the Library has raised funds for library books, computers, shelves, artwork and even the night book drops located just outside the library. Over the years, the Friend’s of the Library has donated all the patron computers around the library dating back to the first computer for public use in 1993. During the renovation in the mid-1990s, the Friends of the Library provided new book shelves and carpeting for the building. Every summer, they are responsible for the free books for children attending story hour. During the 100thanniversary of the library, the Friends of the Library purchased a local artist’s painting which is on display as part of the library’s permanent collection which began when the first librarian, Evelyn Shuler, hosted fundraising teas to purchase artwork.
The Arthur Johnson Memorial Library is a program of the City of Raton and is located at 244 Cook Avenue in Raton. They are open Monday through Saturday with varying hours. Visit www.arthurjohnsonmemoriallibrary.blogspot.com for details.
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