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94th Maverick Club Rodeo (Cimarron, NM)
July 4, 2016
94th Maverick Club Rodeo
Cimarron, NM
Mon., July 4th
Rodeo Admission: $10 (Children 6 & under FREE!)
All Contestants also pay admission.
Information or questions: Lee Bass 575-447-2194
Rodeo Parade 9:00 AM (Grand Marshall is Bob Funk)
Rodeo Dance is Sun., July 3rd
8 til Midnight at the Maverick Rodeo Grounds
Music by The Rifters
Admission for Dance: $10
Stock Contractor: 6×6 Rodeo
Rodeo Sponsors: Baldy Mountain Firearms, Cimarron Art Gallery, Cimarron Candle Co., Cimarron Kiwanis Club, Cimarron West, Colfax County General, Express – UU Bar Ranches, FNB New Mexico, Philmont Scout Ranch, Philmont Staff Association, St. James Hotel & ZZ Bar Ranch
EVENTS: Rodeo Grand Entry 10 AM
1st Session Booger Brown Bull Riding, Jiggs Porter Calf Roping, Ranch Bronc Ride, Senior Barrel Race, Levi Garcia Memorial Open Team Roping, Chute Dogging, Thike Stockton Junior Barrel Race, Cow Pony Race, Open Breakaway, Sid Morrow Saddle Bronc Riding, Mixed Ribbon Roping, Gretchen Sammis Memorial Pole Bending (ages 11 – 14), Rescue Race, Lee Cortez Calf Scramble, Donn Davies Wild Horse Race, 2nd Session Bull Riding
All Around Buckle is Sponsored by Rick Enterprises. Contestant must compete in 3 events and be the high money winner to be eligible. Notify Secretary if eligible.
Queen Buckle sponsored by Farmway Feed
The Maverick Club is a non-profit organization.
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