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Posts published in “Schools”

School News

NM Workforce Solutions and the HelpNM Board offers 10 Opportunities for Summer Youth Employment Training in Colfax County

Colfax County has been allotted 10 slots for individuals ages 16 to 24 who qualify. Our program will pay for all costs to employ these individuals, however, we need them to apply. The two Colfax County representatives for the HelpNM board of directors and would love to see Colfax residents…

Some Hands-On Courses Resume and Face to Face Instruction at Trinidad State

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Greg Boyce 719 846-5530 Office 719 821-6397 Cell May 5, 2020 TRINIDAD, Colo – As coronavirus restrictions have started to ease, Trinidad State is carefully moving some classes back to face-to-face instruction, while keeping others fully online. Last month law enforcement and nursing classes resumed in-person…

2020 Graduation for Maxwell Seniors Hosted by Parents Advisory Committee for Maxwell Municipal Schools, May 23rd

ATTENDANCE: Seniors will each be allowed 3 carloads of family/friends in addition to their own car to attend. CEREMONY: We will be holding drive-in style graduation in the parking lot, where attendees will remain in their cars the whole time, with the exception of one speaker at a time, and…

Scholarship Winners Announcement

The Sloat-Prince Foundation is pleased to announce that scholarships for the 20/21 academic year have been awarded to Antonio Chavez, Springer, $3,000 for his freshman year at New Mexico Tech., majoring in Environmental Engineering; Zoe Salazar, Cimarron, $3,000 for her freshman year at Oklahoma Panhandle State University, majoring in Kinesiology;…

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