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Posts published in “News”

Dawson Remembered in Ceremony

by Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media 100 years ago the mining community of Dawson, New Mexico was rocked to its very foundations by an explosion in the Stag Canon #2 Mine that killed 263 miners.  Of those 133 were Italians with greek miners making up the next largest group of victims.…

Third Judicial Judge Grants Partial Summary Judgment to City of Trinidad

Third Judicial Judge Grants Partial Summary Judgment to City of Trinidad Court rules first claim for Relief for the City of Trinidad after ARPA’s breach of obligation. Trinidad, Colorado——-Late Tuesday afternoon Third Judicial District Judge Leslie Gerbracht in a decision that helped bring an end to the long litigation between…


FATAL ACCIDENT PUTS THE CITY OF TRINIDAD’S NORTH LAKE DAM PROJECT ON HOLD Submitted by Era McCarthy AroundSoCo Las Animas County Colorado——–Both the City of Trinidad and the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Department confirmed to AroundScCO on Thursday evening that there was a fatal accident in Western Las Animas County…

Another Quick Commission Meeting for Raton Commissioners

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening for another quick meeting as Raton Mayor Bobby Ledoux praised city Manager Butch McGowen for his good performance.             Commissioners approved Resolution 2013-41 the first budget adjustment for fiscal year 2013-2014 with little discussion.             Commissioners also approved…

Homecoming King and Queen Crowned

The Homecoming King and Queen were crowned Friday morning at the Homecoming Pep Rally held in Tiger Gym. This year the voting was so close that 12 candidates were chosen instead of the usual 10. Presenting the 2013 Raton High School Homecoming King and Queen.  Cam Baird and Michelle Guara.…

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