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Posts published in “News”

Raton City Commission Agenda 4-8-14

AGENDA CITY OF RATON REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING RATON CITY HALL, 224 SAVAGE AVE        TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 AT 6PM   A regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Raton will be held on April 8, 2014 at 6 p.m.  The Meeting will be called to order…

Voluntary Water Restrictions For Raton

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Its been a long dry spell in northeastern New Mexico and as a result of the lack of moisture and the lack of snow melt to fill reservoirs, Raton residents are being asked to conserve that all precious water.  According to Dan Campbell levels have…

Rig Plummets Down Embankment on Hwy 39

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media About 8:56 am Thursday morning State Police in Tucumcari received a report of a vehicle accident on Hwy 39 at mile marker 40. Mile Marker 40 is about half way down David Hill which is east of Mosquero about eight miles. State Police report that…

Grow Raton Wants Your Input

Economic Development as it says below is a community issue. Grow Raton is just one of the organizations that is working on economic development. Chris Reed who was the city’s economic developer recently tendered his resignation and according to City Manager Butch McGowen those job responsibilities will fall to the…

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