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Posts published in “News”

Springer Chamber recognizes local transport pilot service for 12 years of business

by Sherry Goodyear SPRINGER —  After the June 10th Springer Chamber of Commerce  regular monthly meeting, they took time to honor a local business, and recognized 4T’s Transport Pilot Service for 12 years of being in business.   The business, owned and operated by Lori (mom), Timm (son), and Apaches…

Barbara Howard: new Welcome Center manager

by Joe TarabinoTRINIDAD — The new manager of the Colorado Welcome Center, Barbara Howard, brings a diverse background and exciting perspective to a complex position.  It requires careful juggling of city and regional interests with the requirements of the state, which funds the position with grant monies and defines the…

Grant funding has been received for Miners Plaza

WALSENBURG — The City of Walsenburg and Walsenburg Downtown Revitalization Committee (WDRC), through a collaborative partnership, have received notification from the Gates Family Foundation and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) that funding requests for the construction of Miners Plaza have been approved. The DOLA grant opportunity is through…

Pot grow prohibition proposed Huerfano County wants to put on the brakes

by Brian OrrWALSENBURG — Huerfano County Commissioner Max Vezzani, who last month proposed stricter conditions on condition use permits for marijuana production facilities, on Tuesday proposed placing a moratorium on any new  conditional use permits for this industry for 18 months. “This is a new industry, and it’s pretty divisive…

Search and Rescue Mission for Walter Scheib

Taos, NM – The New Mexico State Police is actively engaged in and monitoring a coordinated search and rescue mission for missing person Walter Scheib.  This mission is ongoing and involves numerous agencies and resources.  On Saturday, June 13, 2015, Mr. Scheib reportedly went hiking near the Taos, NM area.  Mr. Scheib…

Veterans Benefit from Quilter’s work

They stitch with care the squares, the triangles, the pieces of material. Stitch by stitch a small shape takes on a bigger shape and soon the gifted hands of these ladies have stitched together a quilt. A quilt that will warm a cold soldiers heart and body as he under…

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