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Posts published in “News”

Phil Rico is elected mayor of Trinidad

compiled by WJ StaffHUERFANO, LAS ANIMAS– Tuesday night’s election in Trinidad and Las Animas County had a great turnout, some surprises and a county tax proposition that failed. In probably the biggest contested seat in the two counties, Phil Rico beat out incumbent Joe Reorda and Carol Bolton to win the mayorship…

City council asks for rewrite of cable franchise

by Eric MullensWALSENBURG —  Following an executive session Tuesday night with Charter Communications representatives, Walsenburg City Council asked for a revision of the cable company’s franchise agreement with the city. The city’s concerns included removing the city phone number from cable bills as a point of contact for service problems.…

Las Animas County to see renewable project operational by 2016 Commission approves San Isabel solar garden

by Bill KnowlesTRINIDAD — The Board of Las Animas County Commissioners heard from San Isabel Electric Association and Juwi (pronounced you-wee) Inc. about their newest project, a solar farm, during the regular meeting Wednesday, November 3.  The project will provide renewable energy to Tri-State’s 44 member distribution system and will…

The “Rest” of the story

by Paula M. ManiniTRINIDAD — Simpson’s Rest is a scenic overlook on a sandstone bluff that juts over the rugged northwestern side of town.  In days of yore, adventurous hikers picked their way up its rocky and shrubby dotted slopes to the windy summit.  Pioneer photographers carried bulky gear to…

The costs and benefits of marijuana legalization

The second in a series exploring local impacts of legalized recreational marijuana. by Caitlin DunnCOLORADO — In 2012 Colorado voters approved Amendment 64 to the state constitution, allowing statewide recreational marijuana use, sales, and possession.   One of the motivating factors for the passage was the anticipated economic boost from taxes…


REGULAR MEETING OF THE RATON BOARD OF EDUCATION **RHS Krivokapich Media Center** 1535 Tiger Circle, Raton, New Mexico Monday, November 16, 2015 6:00 PM AGENDA   I.       Call to Order and Roll Call II.       Pledge of Allegiance III.     Recognition of Students, Staff and Visitors RHS Students of the Month- Mr.…

Dr. Irene Blea book signing

by Sherry Goodyear SPRINGER, NM — “My own daughter was every mother’s worst nightmare, when she was growing up,” Irene Blea, PhD said during her book signing Friday evening at Luna Community College in Springer.    “I used to dream the phone was ringing, or there was knocking at my…

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