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Posts published in “News”

Kudos to Kebler

by Nancy Christofferson Julian Abbot Kebler was one of the four men credited with establishing the mighty Colorado Fuel and Iron Company with its many subsidiaries.  However, he might be best remembered by his work with the company’s Sociological Department.      Unlike his longtime cohort and boss, John C. Osgood, Kebler…

City council seats new members, passes budget

by Eric MullensWALSENBURG —  The new Walsenburg City Council Tuesday night passed the $14,040,918 municipal budget for the coming year with $6,328,500 noted as pass-through  funds in the Northlands General Improvement category. The budget was approved with two of the three newest council members, Greg Daniels and Dennis Hoyt, voting…

Walsenburg’s 2016 budget reflects water, sewer, and gas rate increases New rates in February 2016 bills

by Eric MullensWALSENBURG —  Walsenburg City Administrator David Johnston presented his annual budget message to city council Tuesday night, and while city department heads didn’t get everything they wanted, local rate payers are expected to get something they didn’t want; increased utility costs. The city will face financial challenges in…

Local outfitter arrested, charged on 21 counts Outfitter alleged to have charged hunters $3,000 each for hunt  

by Bill KnowlesTRINIDAD — A lengthy investigation by Colorado Parks and Wildlife law enforcement officials has resulted in the arrest of outfitter James Hirschboeck, 53, of Trinidad.  Hirschboeck has been charged with 13 counts of providing unregistered outfitting services for big game wildlife, two counts of providing an illegal hunt…

Southern CO, Northern NM closed as overnight snowstorm caused power outages High winds swept interstate clean of vehicles as snow drifts piled up

by Bill KnowlesWALSENBURG,TRINIDAD, RATON — A powerful winter blizzard steamrolled in Monday evening, dumping anywhere from six inches to two feet of heavy, wet snow, causing authorities to close down highways, governments, and schools.   Drifts as high as eight feet on the New Mexico side of Raton Pass left truckers,…

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