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Posts published in “News”

Charter School, Good or Bad for Raton?

  By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Charter Schools have been around for several years now and one maybe coming to Raton which has sparked conversation among Raton residents. Comments have ranged from those in favor, because it offers a choice. While others feel it will hurt the already challenged…

Notice of Open Fire Ban For City of Raton

 Notice of Open Fire Ban EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (04-12-2016) By ORDER OF RATON FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES   Due to environmental issues (weather conditions, dry fuel loads, and extremely escalating fire conditions), topographical considerations (mountainous terrain, brush and forest covered areas throughout the city) and public safety concerns (people, structures and…

Information Sought In Several Northern New Mexico Poaching Cases

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866Media contact: Karl Moffatt: (505) 476-8007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, April12, 2016 Information sought in several northern New Mexico poaching cases RATON – New Mexico Department of Game and Fish conservation officers are seeking information in several unsolved…


 April 5, 2016 ~ PUBLIC NOTICE~  FIRE BAN Larry Osborn, Colfax County Fire Marshal –    The Colfax County Fire Marshal has declared, effective immediately, a “Dry Season” in the Farley, Miami, French Tract and Raton (District 8) Fire Districts in Colfax County. The declaration establishes a ban on open…

Sheriff Investigates Infant Death

Press Release The Colfax County Sheriff’s Office was Dispatched to a 911 call in Eagle Nest NM on March 19, 2016 at approximately 8 pm. The call that came in was an accident, and that an 8 month old infant had fallen of the bed, and was unresponsive. We are…

Raton City Budget Woes Continue

  By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Raton City Commissioners heard during Tuesday evening’s regular meeting that the January Gross Receipts Taxes are down again which is making budget projections for the next three months more unpredictable. Treasurer Michael Ann Antonucci told commissioners it appears that the food and medical reimbursements…

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