KRTN Staff Report KRTN Multi-Media – Raton Dispatch received a 911 call at approximately 7:21 pm Tuesday evening, December 13th of a man at 1121 South Second Street who may have been shot. Upon arrival, officers entered the residence and found a Zacariah Holderby, age 34, on the floor bleeding heavily…
Posts published in “News”
By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media – Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening, December 13th in regular session and approved an RPS budget adjustment, task order changes for Raton Crews Field Airport and Capital outlay requests for the NM Legislative session in January. The budget adjustment for RPS requests an increase in the…
On December 3, 2016, at approximately 0933 hours, O Raton Police officers were dispatched to the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy in south Raton in reference to an armed robbery that had just occurred. The suspect vehicle, a green van later found to be stolen from Trinidad, fled the parking lot in…
By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening for a short meeting and with little discussion approved the changes to the personnel ordinance to meet the agreement set forth by the recent negotiations with the fire fighters. The changes come from a lawsuit concerning prohibited practices…
By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Miner’s Colfax Medical Center hosted Senator Martin Heinrich Thursday afternoon as part of his tour of northeastern New Mexico to learn more about health care needs in rural New Mexico. Senator Heinrich spoke with staff and doctors at MCMC to learn more about what the facility…
By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton City Commissioners listened to citizens concerning the Old Pass road and limiting access to the property past the Comcast towers at Tuesday, November 8th meeting but not before Commissioner Ron Chavez told fellow commissioners that he wanted to postpone a decision on the…
By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton City Commissioners dealt with a myriad of topics Tuesday evening October 25 at their regular meeting including hearing from Roy Fernandez the UMWA union representative, who represent three of the city unions, about the proposed changes to the personnel policies and collective bargaining ordinance.…
Raton Memorial Veterans Park has a new and improved look as City of Raton Public Works staff installed 8 brand-new flagpoles for the flags at the park located on Legion Drive. Raton Parks and Rec Director Jarod Chatterly said the poles were purchased and installed for a cost of about…
The Raton PBW hosted a Candidates Forum Monday evening in the Shuler Theater. On hand at the forum were: Jeff Carr and Landon Newton candidates for Colfax County Commissioner, District 3. Kathy Trujillo and Vicki Walton, Candidates for Treasurer Joyce Valdez, a write-in candidate, and Rayetta LeDoux Trujillo for Colfax…
RHS Robotics Team GRRT traveled on Saturday, Oct 22 to TSJC and took the 2016 BEST Robotics Championship themed “Bet the Farm”. Sponsored through SoCo Best @ Trinidad State Junior College, the RHS Robotics Team GRRT was awarded: A team from Raton, made up of 7th through 11th graders, dominated this…