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Posts published in “News”


CIMARRON COMMUNITY ROUNDTABLE NOTES from NOV 20, 2017 MEETING FRONTIER COMMUNITY INTIATIVE DISCUSSION SUMMARY  The application for the grant has to come from a 5-member steering committee and must have a local government partner and partner with a 501-C3 (the Chamber is working to establish a 501-C3 in time…

Drug Abuse Summit Starts Coordinated Efforts

The epidemic problem of illegal drugs and opioid and chemical abuse has impacted all areas and all levels of income in our country. The many facets of the problem were discussed as a full house packed into a meeting room of the Colfax County Building on Tuesday, November 14th.  Representatives of US Senators Tom…

Colfax County to be TIGER 9 Grant Applicant

By Holly Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media – Colfax County is the grant applicant for $17,526,115 in TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) Discretionary grant money for fiscal year 2017. The grant will be combined with $9,189,000 of non-federal matching funds for a total project cost of $26,715,115. The TIGER nine grant…

RHS November Students of the Month

Congratulations to the following Raton High School students for earning distinction as the November Students of the Month: (L to R) Melinda Murcia–Academic Award, Maritza Marquez–Service Award, Shilyn Padilla–Most Improved Award, Zoe Elliott–8th grade Award, and Erica Burgos–7th grade Award.  

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