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Posts published in “News”

Raton Gets Great Audit Report

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Raton City Commissioners heard from RPC CPAs + Consultants Tuesday evening at City Hall that the city staff, RPS and Raton Water Works received a great audit report with no significant findings and remedying last year’s findings. Ben Martinez and Luis Gomez of RPC…

New Mexico State Police Nationally Recognized for Drug Interdiction Efforts

New Mexico State Police Nationally Recognized for Drug Interdiction Efforts On February 8, 2018, the New Mexico State Police (NMSP) was nationally recognized in Washington, D.C. for the department’s exceptional efforts in drug interdiction. The NMSP was selected from more than one hundred nominations to receive an award for “Outstanding…

LCC Submits Show Cause Report

Special to KRTN  Creating a symbolic coincidence, last week’s Super Moon marked a milestone for Luna Community College staff who celebrated the submission of the Show-Cause Report to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The Show-Cause Order issued by the HLC in November 2017 required the College to submit a Show-Cause…

Raton/Springer Split Varsity Games

Close games were the order of the night at Raton Tiger Gym as Springer came to town to play on Tuesday, January 30 with the Raton girls winning 49 – 43 and the Springer boys winning 52 -47. The girls game was close the whole way as the Lady Tigers…

LCC Continues on Accreditation Path

Special to KRTN – Luna Community College is seeking comments from the public about the College in preparation for its evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The College will host a Show-Cause visit March 19-21, 2018, with a team representing the Higher Learning Commission. Luna Community College has been accredited…

Raton Police Officer Charged

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media New Mexico State Police charged Andrew Sanchez age 25 of Raton with one count of 3rd degree sexual penetration and one count of battery after an incident on January 8, 2018 on Highway 526 near Lake Alice according to a criminal complaint filed in Magistrate Court…

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