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Posts published in “News”

Sharp-Eyed City Employee Calls in Fire

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media- A sharp-eyed city employee reported smoke coming from behind the old Pizza Hut building, on further investigation he noticed a a fire in a storage shed behind the building. Raton Fire and Emergency Services responded to the fire and waited on Raton Public Service arrive and disconnect…

Melrose Mauls Maxwell for State Title

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media From the very beginning of the NM Boys Class A Championship in the Pit, it was a tough physical brand of basketball played with few whistles and a lot physicality that Coach Eloy Brazil noted after the game was not Maxwell’s style of basketball. But…

$16 Million Tiger Grant Awarded to Colfax County

WASHINGTON — The Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded New Mexico’s Colfax County a $16 million grant to replace segments of aging rail line on which Amtrak’s Southwest Chief operates. The grant, which was awarded under the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program, will fund critical repair work in New…

Police Arrest Late Night Shooter

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Jesus Acosta-Dominguez(39) was arrested by Raton Police February 26, 2018 for shooting at an inhabited dwelling in the 600 block of East 4th Street across from Longfellow School on February 20, 2018 at about 10:50 p.m.   Dominguez was charged with one count of…

Summer Of Color Comes to Raton

By Holly Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton City Commission approved the use of $10,810.00 of Lodgers Tax money for the Raton Beautification Coalition “Summer of Color” project that will help with summer event promotions and downtown beautification. The “Summer of Colors” purpose is to beautify downtown and encourage tourist visitation. The…

Aguilar Arrested for MCMC Threats

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media According to court records and findings of fact obtained from the arrest warrant granted by Magistrate Judge Warren Walton, staff at Miners Colfax Medical Center (MCMC) and relatives of Floyd Aguilar, age 36, received repeated threats in person and over the phone in the days…

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