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Posts published in “News”

Branding Raton

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Robyne Beaubien with New Mexico Mainstreet was in Raton Monday and Tuesday March 19-20 for brainstorming meetings put on by the City of Raton and Raton Mainstreet for the purpose of developing ideas to create a marketing brand for Raton. The meetings were held to…

USDA Designates Four Counties in New Mexico as Primary Natural Disaster Areas

USDA Designates Four Counties in New Mexico as Primary Natural Disaster Areas with Assistance to Producers in Surrounding States Release No. 0027.18 Latawnya Dia 202-720-7962 WASHINGTON, March 16, 2018 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated Curry, Quay, Roosevelt and Union counties in New Mexico as primary…

Candidates File for County Offices

Magistrate Judge Division 1 Sarah M Montoya  Democrat Warren G Walton  Republican Magistrate Judge Division 2 Felix Pena  Democrat County Commissioner Division 1 Roy Fernandez  Democrat Jim Maldonado  Democrat County Commission Division 2 Bobby LeDoux  Democrat County Assessor Kristi Graham  Democrat Suzanne M Valdez  Democrat County Sheriff Leonard M Baca…

Commissioners Sworn in Monday Evening

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Lori Chatterly and Ron Chavez received the Oath of Office from Magistrate Judge Warren Walton Monday evening, March 12th in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Chatterly filled the seat vacated by Mayor Sandy Mantz and will join commissioners Tuesday evening, March 13th for the first commission meeting…

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