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Raton City Commissioners Meet Before Holiday for Regular Meeting

By Aaron Sena
KRTN Multi-Media

The Raton City Commission met Tuesday evening at City Hall to handle city  business prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Commissioner Lori Chatterley presided over the meeting while Mayor Neil Segotta and Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster attended remotely.

Commissioners approved the 2021 legislative capital outlay funding priorities which included;
$10,000,000 for Maloya Dam Safety Improvements
$1,500,000 for Bartlett Mesa Ranch Acquisition
$500,000 Civic Plaza Construction
$1,500,000 for Evidence Storage Building
$300,000 for Drainage System Improvements and Reconstruction
$300,000 estimated cost for Document Storage Facility
$300,000 for Public Works Equipment Replacement
$300,000 for Police Equipment

The deadline for the 2022 Capital Outlay requests is January 13, 2022 while the 30 day session will begin on January 18 and adjourns on February 17, 2022.

Commissioners then approved recommendations from the Lodger’s Tax Advisory board which included $1,250 to be awarded on a reimbursement basis from contingency fund to the Center for Community Innovation to add Raton-branded elements of design to the Raton Visitors Information Center (RVIC). They also recommended $250 to the Center for Community Innovation for painting walls at RVIC, which would be expended from the Non-Promotional Fund Visitor Center Maintenance/Repairs line item.  It was suggested that this purchase could be coordinated with the building maintenance department rather than awarded from promotional funds.

Commissioners postponed consideration on a Tower Lease Agreement with Spectra Comm, with a draft of a new agreement to be heard at the December 14, 2021 meeting.

Commissioners approved the Application of the JJAC Short Cycle Funding for FY22 while authorizing City Manager Scott Berry to sign. The increased funding program amounts in this short cycle application will allow the Coordinator to continue to coordinate the Girls Circle high referrals as received and will allow the Coordinator to continue to complete the high level of required work to ensure the program is successfully serving youth.

The Introduction of Ordinance Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Loan Agreement and GRT Intercept Agreement  between City of Raton and the NM Finance Authority for the Cimarron Water System Project was passed. 

Tyler Davis, with Engineering Analytics, Inc presented the scope of work and fee estimate for providing field survey and reconnaissance; plans, specifications and environmental clearance; bid package and contractor selection; and construction phase services for the Sugarite Ave. and Frontage Road/E 10th St Reconstruction Projects. Commissioners separately passed, the Task Orders for both Sugarite Avenue and E 10th/Frontage Road Project while Commissioner Chatterley abstained from both votes. 

The Commissioners passed Resolution 2021-65; Authorizing the Certification of the City of Raton’s 2021 Capital Asset Inventory which was previously postponed from the November 9 meeting. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci reported to the commission on the Fixed Asset Report. The 2021 annual inventory was performed by Records Consultants Inc on April 19-21, 2021. The city of Raton has 1,949 inventory items and 594 items classified as Land, Improvements, and Buildings in the database. The City will also start making preparations to have RCI return in late Spring 2022 to do the annual inventory which will insure that the City is in compliance with this annual requirement.

Commissioners approved the October 2021 Financial Report. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci reported the November Gross Receipts Tax distribution was received and the cumulative General Fund Gross receipts is 7.46% above the YTD budget projection. Colfax County recently announced that a one-month extension was granted for payment of the first half property tax due to the election. Payments will be due December 10, and become deliquent January 10. As a result the City of Raton will receive our distribution of the property tax a month later than usual. (Link to the Oct 2021 Financial report)

All City Offices will be Closed November 25-26 in Observance of Thanksgiving. Commissioners will meet again for the regular meeting on December 14, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be broadcast live on AM 1490 and KRTN’s Facebook Page.




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