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ArtCartopia is Back!

“O Frabjous Day, Carllooh Carllay! Art Cartopia has
re-reopened! Having closed way back on March 27, it’s been a long time since we’ve gotten to wow visitors with the wonders of art cars. Bring your friends, family, and masks. There will be the social distancing thing (must stay 3 Karmadilllos or 1 Cow apart) but gargantuan carvelousness everywhere!” Rodney Wood

The rumors are true… Art Cartopia has reopened (Tues.-Sat. 10 am-4 pm). We are following the county health department requirements. This includes signage related to restrictions and recommendations. We have their signs on display but felt that we could add some that are more attuned with the ArtoTopia “style”

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Art Cartopia Museum is a new roadside attraction celebrating the wondrous world of art cars. There are 25+ of these wildly creative and drivable vehicles on display along with the coolest gift shop ever, art gallery and makerspace. DO NOT MISS!


Tuesday – Saturday (10am-5pm)
2702 Freedom Road, Trinidad, CO


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