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Hester’s Motorsports Keeps area Ranchers Equipped to Meet their Needs

We want to keep everyone up to date with business operations… (please read through)

Currently there are *0* cases around us, and LESS than 100 in our entire state!

We do not foresee our service department closing as we have MANY ranchers bringing in vehicles for repairs vital to their operation.

Parts and accessories still at full bore as a vast majority are shipped nationwide so not looking to stop supplying everyone with parts or accessories unless those places get shut down too, we will keep everyone up to date on a case by case for parts, so please keep your wants and orders coming!

Showroom floor: We plan to keep the showroom floor open through at least Saturday March 28th and possibly just closing the showroom floor off after that, this is unknown as of today the 24th, but we will keep everyone up to date.

We are running only 2 guys in service (Warren and Chris) and John running all the front so only 3 people in here now.

Everyone is taking GREAT care for the safety of each other as well as our customers. We ask at this time for anyone coming into the showroom floor to not touch or sit on any vehicles as each time someone touches a vehicle we have to disinfect it to keep everyone as safe as possible, so currently running “Museum Rules”. Look but don’t touch.

We want to thank everyone for continuing to do business with us, without all of your support we would be nothing! We will be posting if anything changes. Till then we are STILL Open Tuesday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM and Saturday 9-4 Mountain time. (575) 445-3558

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Be safe, wash your hands often, be respectful of others’ personal space and God bless you all!

Together we will get through this and back to normal SOON!

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio