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Raton City Commission Meets

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening, January 22 to handle a short agenda with a couple of agreements and reports on the table.

Commissioner Giacomo noted in his RPS report that Tri-State will increase their transportation fee by  12.5% or about $4,000 a month. Sandy Chavez of RPS noted that this could cause an increase in fuel cost fees.

Commissioners then approved a mutual aid agreement with Vermejo Park Ranch District 7 Fire Department. The agreement is a standard agreement that Raton Fire and Emergency Services has with all the surrounding departments.

City Manager Scott Berry informed commissioners that he has budgeted $25,000 of non-promotional funds for Shuler renovations which will be done in the basement/dressing rooms to include painting, replacement of doors and plumbing, new countertops and other cleanup activities. Alpha Design will take care of the project for a cost of $3,900.

Commissioners approved a consulting agreement with Better City, LLC. for economic development services. Better City will work with local organizations who are proposing economic development projects. The cost of their services will be $48,000 with a payment of $10,000 due for the completion of phase 1. The remainder will be in $3,200 monthly payments.

The scope of Better City’s work is identified as developing several economic development priorities including partnership development, business expansion and job creation. It also includes targeted business recruitment, targeted industry analysis, community development and the facilitation of resource for new product development. (Link to Better City Agreement)

City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci gave the 2ndquarter financial report which again finds the GRT to be below budget by .2 % or $5962.83. Last year’s GRT for the same period came in just over $400,000 where this year’s is around $365,000. The city ends the quarter with a cash balance of $1,733.402.92. (Link to Financial Report FY 2019 2nd Qtr)

Commissioners approved a FY 2019 Budget Adjustment #8 which deals with mostly line item changes including the monies for the fire station renovations which she noted will have to be bid by May. (Link to Budget Adjustment #8)

City Manager Scott Berry noted in his report that he will be traveling south for safety training that all managers are required to take. He also noted that he had visited with a Bacavalley technician about broad band internet and they noted it is available in many of the commercial areas, for a price, but is not available to residential customers. It was noted that both Bacavalley and Century Link have done some construction in town to improve internet services.

Berry told commissioners that the gate had been put in place on the Old Pass Road and that over the next couple of weeks things will be coordinated with land owners and utility company personnel for access to the road. Berry noted that the biggest problem has been with ATV’s trespassing by going through fences and going off road.

It was noted that there may be a quorum of commissioners at a Nature Conservancy meeting February 5 at the Raton Commission Chambers and the 30thannual reception and Municipal Day in Santa Fe on February 19-20. Commissioners will meet again on February 12 at 6:00 p.m. for the next regular meeting which will be broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.

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