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Posts published in “Year: 2024”

Tiger Fest Basketball 2024 Held On 1/27/24

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton took to the courts Saturday afternoon, January 27 to host the Clayton YellowJackets and Jackettes for the TigerFest games, the basketball version of homecoming for the Raton Schools. The JV Boys (44-40) were the only winners of the day as the Clayton girls dominated…

Potential Quorum of the Colfax County Commissioners Tuesday January 30, 2024, 9:00 am 12:00 pm

NOTICE POTENTIAL QUORUM PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a Potential Quorum of the Colfax County Commissioners in the Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor of the Colfax County Building 9:00 am 12:00 pm to discuss Event Center Grant and later that afternoon @ the Angel Fire Airport 3570…

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