By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Commissioners met on a cold snowy evening Tuesday January 8 for their first meeting of the new year and to welcome in the newest member of the commission Mark Honeyfield. Honeyfield comes to the commission after winning the November 2023 election by one vote over Incumbent Commissioner Ron Chavez.
The first item of business is to reorganize the city commission with members voting on the mayor and mayor pro-tem positions. Neil Segotta was reelected to the mayor position with Lori Chatterley being elected to the Mayor Pro-Tem position.
Commissioners were then assigned to city boards. RPS Board Neil Segotta and Don Giacomo. Water Board Lori Chatterley and Lindé Schuster. Financial Board Mark Honeyfield. Sr. Citizens Board Lindé Schuster. Extra Territorial Zoning Neil Segotta. NENM Economic Development Board Lori Chatterly. Library Board Don Giacomo. Lodger’s Tax Liaison Lindé Schuster. Extra Territorial Zoning Liaison City Manager Rick Mestas.
Meeting minutes were approved, and commissioners then approved the open meetings act.
Homeland Security and the State Fire Marshall inspected the Raton Fire Department where no deficiencies were found.
Commissioners approved the appointment of Jason Bennett to the planning and zoning board.
Bridgers & Paxton gave a report on the emergency generator located at City Hall. City Manager Rick Mestas informed the commission that after discussion with the inspectors it was determined that the city should not spend the money to do the recommendations.
Commissioners then reviewed an addendum to the Raton Country Club Liquor License lease agreement which will extend the agreement for another year.
Commissioners approved the Capital Appropriation agreement with the Department of Finance and Administration for the Bartlett Mesa Ranch acquisition. This is a capital outlay grant which is the final funding gap for the purchase of the property in the amount of $564,000.
Commissioners approved the new lease agreement with Silver Spur Land and Cattle LLC for the property on top of Eagle Tail Mountain where the city has a communication tower and building for emergency communications equipment. The term of the agreement is for one year at $600 per year and it will automatically renew each year until terminated.
Commissioners heard from City Manager Rick Mestas about the seventh budget adjustment for FY24 which included line-item adjustments for the November election, maintenance items, an increase in costs for hardware software support for the dispatch center. (Link to FY24 Budget Adjustment #7)
Commissioners approved the disposal of a snapper mower as surplus property it has been cannibalized over the years and is not in working order.
Commissioners postponed action on Resolution 2024-04 allowing the city to surplus and transfer a 132.6-acre tract of land to the Picuris Pueblo for a tribal gaming establishment till the February 27, 2024 meeting. The land will be placed in trust as provided by the Indian Reorganization Act for the stated purpose. The lands were recently acquired by the Secretary of the Interior for the benefit of an Indian tribe. The location of the land is near I-25 and the 450 interchange. The final approval is dependent on the DFA and NM Finance Authority. Secretary of the Interior and the Governor.
City Manager Rick Mestas noted in his report that he and Jason Phillips had met with Senator Campos in Las Vegas in preparation of the upcoming legislative session. The audit team is finalizing their work on the audit while the Police Department is working on the transition of the communications system to a new CAD system. Chief Burk is in Wisconsin inspecting the new ladder truck for the fire department. Mestas recognized the public works employees for an fantastic job on the streets during the storm on Monday and especially Leonard Zamora for his clever problem solving skills needing to unload a crate without a forklift at the convention center.
City Hall will be closed on January 15 for Martin Luther King Jr Day. The city commission meeting for January 9 was cancelled for commissioner training and it is noted that a quorum of commissioner may be present at the Municipal Officials Leadership Institute training on January 10-11 and the 35th Annual Municipal Day on February 7-8 in Santa Fe. The next regular city commission meeting will be held on January 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers.