By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening September 26, 2023, for their second regular meeting of the month where they approved Lodger’s Tax recommendations and event forms and went over financials.
Commissioners began the business part of the meeting approving a resolution to correct resolutions numbers that got out of sequence at the September 12 meeting. Commissioners then heard about a SkillSharp subcontractor agreement for the Center for Community Innovation. The agreement is for an expansion of the offerings of SkillSharp. SkillSharp is utilized to provide additional training for jobs or other training needed for a specific job or skill set. The past year has seen 282 users with many from Raton High School. The contract is a 12-month contract at a cost of $24,000 per year. Patricia Duran is looking for grants to help with that cost and if successful will not require the full cost.
Commissioners approved $2,800 for the Colfax Disk Golf Tournament coming up on October 7 & 8. The money will cover advertising and miscellaneous items. The Rainbow Alliance came back to the Lodger’s Tax board to make some corrections to their reimbursement request as some of the information was not the same as the original request. Commissioners were not comfortable with the differences between the original request and the new request. While the amount was the same, some of the items were different than what was in the original request. This could also be a red flag for an auditor that the commissioners were not comfortable with. Commissioners then voted to stay with the original agreement and pay for those reimbursements that meet the original agreement.
Approval of event forms was next with the Raton Mainstreet Safe Trick or Treat event on October 31, 2023, and Domestic Violence Awareness Walk/Run on October 7, 2023.
Commissioners approved the INBank signature card changes which also includes the change in city manager and the disposal of surplus property, specifically electronic waste. The list of electronic waste includes computers, printers and other electronic equipment that has become obsolete.
City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci presented the August financial reports which continue to show Raton with a 3% GRT above budget. The report includes some items that needed to be corrected and moved into the proper period as well as the correct fund. Lodger’s tax is also doing well so far this year and Antonucci noted the city should have a better view of the summer by next month. (Link to August Financial Report)
FY24 budget adjustment #2 were also presented covering several line-item adjustments for the Aquatic Center, economic development, and the street fund. (Link to FY24 Budget Adjustment #2)
Commissioners heard about the INCODE FY23 end of the year closeout adjustments. These adjustments cover NM Bank and Trust bank fees for Municipal Court.
Commissioners approved an engineering proposal to go over the city’s backup generation assessment. The assessment will cover the evaluation of electrical needs at the City Hall Campus to make sure the city has adequate emergency generation in case of a power outage. The Police Department is covered under the existing emergency generator but city hall and RPS offices are not covered by this generator. The cost of the assessment is $12,000 plus GRT.
Commissioners awarded Mosark, LLC with a $85,350 contract for Aquatic Center repairs and maintenance. Most of the work will be done in the restrooms/shower area at the Aquatic Center. Berry noted this is a high price but the work has to be done.
Commissioners awarded Mark Honeyfield DBA Farmers & Ranchers Welding to rebuild the Shuler Theater loading dock in the rear of the theater. Honeyfield’s bid ($24,790) was only $158 less than the bid by Steve Hayden Construction ($24,948) plus GRT.
The Sugarite Ave construction project is done except for pavement markings. The parking area is next to the single driving lane going east. There will be three radar signs in place on Sugarite Ave to remind drivers of their speed. There will be a MainStreet conference in Raton. Raton was awarded a grant for $65,748 the rehabilitation of the underground tunnel under the railroad tracks. The grant will be supplemented with $33,000 of City’s Funds.
Michael Anne Antonucci has worked on and was awarded a police recruitment program grant for $393,000 City Hall members attended the Highway Commission meeting in Angel Fire and talked about I-27 and the Clayton Exchange. Berry noted this is his last city commission meeting and feels this commission has been a good one and they have made his job easier allowing him to perform his duties. Commissioners closed the meeting with congrats and well wishes for Berry’s retirement as each one spoke about his tenure.
Commissioners will meet again on October 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. with Richard Mestas the new City Manager at the helm.