By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening June 13 to handle a full agenda of issues from agreements to purchase of a sanitation pickup to change order on construction work.
Commissioners reappointed Randy Madison to the Extra Territorial Zoning Commission which is a commission in conjunction with Colfax County and appointed Alexis Dixon to the city Planning and Zoning commission which is an advisory commission to the commissioners.
Commissioners approved the operating agreement with the Colfax Senior Center Inc. with no changes to the agreement.
Commissioners heard from City Manager Scott Berry about the agreement with the Department of Finance and Administration for the Kearney School. The city is planning to make improvements to the building in preparation for a film school. The city, however, still has not received the agreement from the state at this time.
A request for a change order for the Sugarite Avenue Project to cover additional work as the project is under budget was considered. The project will include colored cement for the medians and some valley gutters. The amount of the work will be an additional $39,195 which is still within the allotted funding.
It’s mosquito time again and with all the rain the population will grow quickly, and the city will once again team up with Colfax County to provide mosquito spraying to help control the pests. If you have bees, please contact the city to opt out of the spraying in your area.
The city will purchase a pickup for the sanitation department utilizing the state purchasing contract in the amount of $44,832. They will also purchase radios for the police department from Code 3 Service LLC utilizing the state purchasing agreement for $29,877.
Commissioners received proposals for city hall structural repair and for the Coors Building wall and foundation structural repairs. Berry noted this repair work is caused by drainage issues. City Hall problem is on the west side of the building and is repairable. $4700 is the estimated amount for the evaluation. The Coors Building has problems in the back of the building where the drainage was going into the alley however changes has caused the drainage to go into the basement. The estimate for the evaluation is $9300.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife have brought a proposal for Lake Dorothy Wildlife Area Management plan. The city had proposed more access with hiking trails. The CPW wants restricted access on the western side for wildlife protection during breeding and birthing times. The restricted trail is the one that goes up Swashhime Canyon. Leslie Fernandez asked commissioners who will maintain these trails since both the State of Colorado and New Mexico Parks will not provide maintenance of the trails. Commissioners approved the agreement.
Commissioners approved the resolution to set the city election for November 7, 2023. There will be two commissioners, Commissioner Ron Chavez and Commissioner Lori Chatterley, up for reelection at that time as well as Municipal Judge.
Commissioners adopted the new changes to the travel policy covering reimbursement for travel per diem and mileage expenses. The new policy follows the state prices covering these items.
Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about Budget Adjustment #17 for FY23. The adjustments reflect the equipment purchases for the police department and the sanitation pickup plus other line items. (Link to Budget Adjustment #17 FY23)
Commissioners approved the donation of surplus equipment; two high mileage ambulances will be surplus and donated to the City of Tucumcari who have fallen victim to the supply chain problems.
City Manager Scott Berry talked about the Brownfield program and that the city has not been funded for those grants. The new airport hangar has been completed for the most part and was awaiting electrical work. The chip seal project is two thirds completed and will now begin with clean up and fog sealing. The Sugarite Ave project will be completed in a couple of weeks with additional time being required due to weather conditions. The solar project is going well with the placement of panels starting probably next week.