By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City commissioners met Tuesday evening May 23 for the second regular meeting of the month acting on several financial items.
Beverly Baca addressed the commission to invite the commissioners and city officials to the flag retirement ceremony to be held on Flag Day.
Commissioners reappointed Monty McGowen to the RPS board after serving five years on the advisory board and one year on the board of trustees. McGowen will fill the seat vacated by Frank Ferri who has served his two terms.
Commissioners heard from Danielle Vanderpool requesting to spend juvenile justice program support funds for chaperone travel expenses to attend the 2023 Youth Summit in Tacoma, Washington. City Manager Scott Berry expressed a concern about spending city funds to send an individual, not a city employee, for an event not covered by the city. The city is the fiscal agent for the Juvenile Justice program. This is associated with CYFD and questioned why they are not paying for this request. CYFD indicates that the money is available in the program funds but must be approved by the fiscal agent. Commissioners denied the request for $1246.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s tax advisory board recommendations for $12,000 to KRDO TV for TV commercials for upcoming events in Raton this summer including the Balloon Rally and Gate City Music Festival. Also approved $8322 to KRTN for radio advertising this year and approved $10,000 to the Center for Community Innovation for the Raton Supercross Race to be held on September 9, 2023. This will help cover some of the costs for advertising, merchandising and other expenses.
Commissioners received RFPs from InBank and New Mexico Bank and Trust for banking services. After reviewing the proposals and grading each one the committee unanimously recommended InBank for a five-year contract for banking services.
Commissioners heard about the capital appropriation agreement with the Department of Finance and Administration for the Kearney School. The agreement was approved by the state legislature in 2022 and the city still does not have the agreement, so a decision on the agreement was postponed till the June 13 meeting.
The FY24 Interim Budget was presented to the commissioners. Berry noted that the revenues are about 20% above the budget for this fiscal year. The FY24 budget will use some of the surplus monies for projects that the community needs by upgrading some of the buildings owned by the city and economic development projects. The new budget will include work on the ball fields to include restrooms, concession stand and parking. The total general fund budget will be $7,432,937. Commissioners will see a pay increase to $1000 a month which will be effective to newly elected commissioner’s current commissioners will remain at $300 a month. (Link to FY24 Interim Budget Summary)
Berry noted that the GRT increase has come from online sales that the city is now receiving. Construction projects have also helped and there will be other construction projects in the upcoming year that will also help the bottom line. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted the interim budget will go to DFA by June 1. Mayor Neil Segotta noted this is the first budget since he has been on the commission that the city can do something not just keep their head above water.
Commissioners received word on the April 2023 financial report which includes some loan payments from RPS and noted a 22% increase in GRT receipts. With May and June Lodger’s Tax income Antonucci felt that the city would break the $500,000 mark. (Link to April 2023 Financial Report)
Commissioners then approved the FY23 Budget Adjustment #16 which includes a transfer of $60,000 for the chip seal project from the general fund. (Link to Budget Adjustment #16 FY23)
The city will receive bids for the demo of the building just south of InBank later this month. Construction projects are continuing with the airport hangar project coming to a close. Sugarite Ave construction is coming along well. The pavement project is progressing with the first phase being completed. Phase 2, which is funded by the cooperative funds will begin this week. The streets will have a smaller course of gravel then a seal coat will be the final stage.
The solar project has received the land from Colfax County and was approved by the state. Construction on the project has begun with fence building and the array will begin soon. The library renovations have been completed. The ADA compliant ramp at 3rd and Park has been completed. Jason Phillips will be presenting project applications one for repairs to Second Street and three bridge projects and other street improvements.
Commissioners will meet again on June 13 at 6:00 p.m. at Raton City Hall in the commission chambers. City offices will be closed on Monday May 30, 2023 for Memorial Day.