By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Commissioners met Tuesday evening April 11, 2023 for their regular meeting of the month where they heard the audit report from SJT Group LLC.
Ambercita Sintas talked about the Senior banners for Raton High School graduation and asked about putting one up for her son who goes to Maxwell but lives in Raton. Sintas was told that she could by those purchasing the banners but there were others who said she couldn’t. This is something done by parents not the Raton Public Schools. Her concern is that someone will take it down in spite. Jason Phillips who is also president of the Board of Education responded that he disagreed with Sintas and that he hoped that Maxwell’s parents would do this for their seniors as the parents have done for Raton Seniors, he added this is for Raton Seniors.
Jeremiah Armijo with SJT Group LLC presented the audit reports for the City of Raton and Raton Public Service Company. Armijo told commissioners about the group who was responsible for performing the work and how it was conducted. This was the first year for them to do the audit. Both Raton and RPS received a clean audit on all the financial statements citing only two material weaknesses which include a financial close and reporting for the city as well as a cash reconciliation for RPS. Other issues concerned capital assets that needed adjusted in the water department and the sanitation department to meet new requirements.
Commissioners then approved and accepted the audit reports for the FY2022 and as Armijo noted its that time of year to start all over again.
Danielle Vanderpool presented information on SkillSharp, a program for skill development for small business. This is an online program that is accessible from most all electronic devices. It is a free program available to all those who live in the 87740 zip code. SkillSharp is a program that can help with continuing education in jobs that require keeping skills up to date. The program will also be used in the Raton School system next year where students can obtain job skills.
Commissioners approved the introduction of Ordinance No. 1022 authorizing the lease of the Coors Building to Moss Adventures for the purpose of economic development. A lease will be brought to the commission for approval and a final decision will be made in May.
Commissioners approved the appointment of Michael Pais to the Extraterritorial Zoning Commission. The commission consists of two city members and two Colfax County members and a fifth member picked at large.
Commissioners approved the RFP for an on-call civil engineering services contract. There were four proposals received and the selection committee graded the firms and found that Engineering Analytics met all the requirements for the contract and received the highest grade.
InBank has requested an easement for adjacent lots 10, 11 and 12, in Block 10 of the original townsite. This request is for encroachments around the InBank building. The easements were approved.
Commissioners approved the contract with H.O. Construction for work on the I-25 east frontage road reconstruction project. City Manager Scott Berry noted the bid was above the amount available for the project by about $78,000. RPS will handle the electric lighting and other electrical work which will amount to about $50,000. Berry then asked for some additional monies to upgrade the asphalt to three inches thick which will cost about $28,000 which will come from the street fund.
Commissioners approved the grant agreements for design work for an electrical vault and Taxiway B reconstruction design work. The Federal Aviation Administration will provide 90% of the cost and the state will cover 9% with the city funding the remaining 1% for the design work. The estimate for the electric vault is $82,209 and Taxiway B design work should cost $122,148.
The city will apply for project funding for several street projects including work on Second Street, 18 Special Assessment District Street projects and small bridge projects. The Second Street project will cover the entire length of the street and cover curb and gutter, handicap ramps and other work for $900,523, the city match will be $45,026.
The Special Assessment District 18 Street project will be for $1.14 million with a city match of $60,000. This project will be a reconstruction project on streets that are showing degradation of the base course being unsuitable.
The bridge work will replace a couple of existing bridges over the WPA ditches with culvert box style construction with a cost of $504,759. The existing bridges are WPA era bridges over drainage ditches in Raton that have outlived their usefulness noted Public Works Director Jason Phillips.
Juvenile Justice grant budget adjustment #2 was approved. This adjustment moves monies between the two groups to cover additional costs for the boy’s council.
Commissioners then heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci concerning FY2023 Budget Adjustment #13. This adjustment moves money from the general fund to cover some street projects until the NMDOT disburses their funds. (Link to Budget Adjustment #13 FY23)
City Manager Scott Berry informed the commission about the zoom Municipal League meeting concerning the legislative session concerning the city. $55 million was approved for aviation funding statewide. There was $100 million for law enforcement. $564,000 was approved for the Bartlett Mesa acquisition. $60,000 was approved for public works purchases for the city.
Sugarite Ave construction has begun and will run through the summer. There will be a town hall meeting on April 20 at 6:00 p.m. at the convention center. Wildfire season has begun, and Berry wanted to remind people to be very careful this year.

L to R; Domenique Barela, Rebecca Mares Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster, April Lopez, Stevi Salazar and Terrin Gass. (Link to Proclamation Telecommunications Week)