ABSENTEE VOTING Anyone wishing to ABSENTEE VOTE or Vote In-Person for the November 2, 2021 Local Election may do so beginning October 5, 2021. Office hours are Monday through Thursday 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Anyone desiring to vote by mail may request an application at NMvote.org or from the…
Posts published in September 2021
By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media Raton Tiger football remains undefeated after hosting the Escalante Lobos in a rare Saturday (Sept 18, 2021) night game in which Raton’s offense scored at will and the defense stiffened again for a 49 – 6 victory. The necessity for first-ever Saturday night game was…
The regular meeting of the Raton Public Service Company Board of Directors will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, in the Raton City Commission Chambers, 224 Savage Ave., Raton, NM. The agenda will be: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4.…

Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Trinidad Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at 6:00 P.M
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, 135 N. Animas Street and through Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81976081376?pwd=Zk44MlBGRWVoa1llSW1uSm5EUTBidz09 Meeting ID: 819 7608 1376 Passcode: 482894 One tap mobile +17207072699,,81976081376#,,,,*482894#…
Ray Lucero passed away unexpectedly on September 11, 2021, at his home in Trinidad, Colorado. Ray was born on April 8, 1960, in Denver, Colorado to Charles and Virginia Lucero. He is proceeded in death by his father Charles, his son, Little Ray, his in-laws Herman and Eva Montoya, and…
Nancy Lynne Nutt, age 68, passed away in Colorado Springs Colorado, on August 18, 2021. Nancy’s life journey was filled with rich experience .There was never a dull moment with her. She was born and raised in Allegan County Michigan. She spent the majority of her adult life in Colorado; this…
Jesse Gallegos Public Relations Coordinator Luna Community College September 16, 2021 Awareness of suicide and mental health support is goal for event organizers By Dave Kavanaugh Luna Community College The inaugural Walk for Hope, with activities from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday on the Luna Community College campus, aims to…
Jesse Gallegos Public Relations Coordinator Luna Community College September 16, 2021 Luna Community College is reporting an increase in enrollment this fall semester. College reports show a 19 percent increase in headcount for Fall 2021 compared to Fall 2020. There are 807 students enrolled compared to the 676 of one…