By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday April 27, 2021 for their last regular meeting in April and heard the annual report from the Shuler Restoration Board. President Billy Donati told commissioners that the Shuler Theater has completed the projects that began this year including the City’s remodel of the office north of the lobby, and an upgrade of the lighting system to the tune of $57,000. The Shuler however hasn’t been able to show any of them off since it has been closed since the last show played on February 29, 2020. The first show to be held since the pandemic closure will be Dance Connection to be held June 4th, 2021. There will be a couple of other shows this summer but the Santa Fe Trail School for the Performing Arts cancelled the production of “Always – Patsy Cline” and is still looking at doing the Youth Theater show in July.
Future plans include upgrading the marquee out front, and a breezeway between the Castillo building and the Shuler so that dinner and a show events may take place.
Commissioners approved the MOU with Raton Little League. League President Whitney Fernandez noted that there will be no softball and no senior league as high school sports will still be going on during the start of the little league season. RLL plans to start by May 12 in order to have players get in enough games to qualify for All-stars.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board recommendations of $5,616 for Raton Mainstreet to promotion, fire protection, sanitation and security for the 2021 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon rally. Approved $2,350 for the Center for Community Innovation for the 2021 Raton Supercross Race in July. $5,632.20 to Phillips Broadcasting for radio advertising from July 2021 to June 2022.
Commissioners approved the vacant building ordinance establishing registration requirements and fees as well as creating a penalty for violations and providing for enforcement in hopes to get property owners to at least provide better upkeep of the buildings or seek occupancy for them.
City Manger Scott Berry noted that the interim budget is due June 1 to the state and told commissioners that the budget will have few changes from the current budget since income is so uncertain, but it is hoped to improve as the country gets back to a more normal. Budget discussions will take place in the coming month.
Resolution 2021-27 passed in support of the Springer Correctional facility siting concerns over the economic impact closure of the facility would cause. The resolution will be sent to the different state agencies in hopes of at least keeping the facility in use. (Link to Resolution 2021-27 Support Springer CF)
Approved the FAA Corona virus response grant program funding to help with airport operations.
City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci went over the 3rd quarter financial report noting that the small cities reimbursement was less than expected and the GRT is 2.66% below budget for the year-to-date figures. She added that expenditures are below budget as city crews have done a good job keeping expenditures down. (Link to FY21 #rd Quarter Financial Report)
Budget adjustment #12 was approved with only three items which include the RPS Settlement and moving funds for the State Library Grant and NMDOT Coop program. (Link to FY21 Budget Adjustment #12)
Commissioners approved a letter of engagement with Better Cities to handle an EDA grant application. The cost to help with the application will cost the city $3,500 and for implementation $1,200 a month up to $10,000. Berry noted that grant will help establish a workforce training center using the Kearney School as a base of operations. It is an ambitious project and a lot needs to be done, but if the the City can negotiate will the school as a donation, they will then use it to do culinary arts training as well as film school training. If everything goes well the operation could be up and running in about a year.
Berry noted in his report that the great blocks project is once again under way on First Street with work on lighting, irrigation and planter construction and new LED lights have been installed in 2/3 of City Hall.
Phase one of work being done at the Aquatic Center is almost complete, and Berry is hoping to be open for summer swimming, of course dependent on current health order restrictions. Berry also noted that the state legislature has approved $16 million for the I-25 Clayton Road interchange project and the city will ask for funding for the East 10th street project and Sugarite Ave project. Berry noted that the frontage road project needs to be completed before the I-25 Interchange project gets under way in order to handle the traffic disruption that will come with the project. He also noted that the state will begin more work on I-25 from the north exit to the state line which will include lane closures and other traffic disruptions for the summer.
Commissioners went into executive session to discuss personnel matters namely the city manager.
The next regular commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 2021. With a Notice of Potential Quorum of the Raton Water Board and Raton Public Service Board of Directors may attend the Presentation of the FY20 Approved Audit Reports by Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC at the Raton City Commission Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers. The meeting will be broadcast on KRTN AM 1490 and streamed on KRTN Facebook.

Raton Water Works Cory Gomez, Terry Sikes and Anthony Bustos accepted the Drinking Water proclamation from Commissioner Ron Chavez. (Link to Proclamation Drinking Water Week)