The City of Raton will have a contractor performing Fog Seal operations on Monday September 14, 2020.
Fog seal will be applied to all of the following areas:
- Fifth Street between Tiger Drive and Nevada Avenue
- South 3rd Street from 14th Avenue to 9th Avenue
- Savage Avenue between South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street
Fog Seal is the application of a layer of asphalt above chip sealed surfaces. It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to one hour to cure enough for traffic to cross it depending on the temperature.
All residents are asked to remove any parked vehicles or trailers from these streets on the 14th from 9:00 AM until traffic control has been removed.
Driving on the street before it has cured will result in damage to the street surface and to your vehicle.
If you have any questions please contact City Hall at 575-445-9451.
Thank you
Jason Phillips
Public Works Director
City of Raton