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Posts published in “Day: July 28, 2020”

Raton Financial Reports Show City With Small Surplus Going Into New Fiscal Year.

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media   Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday July 28, 2020 and recognized the contributions made by two of Raton’s personnel who after many years of service have decided to retire from their jobs with the city. Raton Fire and Emergency Services Chief Chris Espinoza (link to…

Colorado Senate and House Republicans Call for Special Session to Address Challenges in Access to Education During COVID-19

POSTED BY SAGE NAUMANN ON JULY 28, 2020 DENVER – Following an overwhelming outcry from Colorado parents regarding the future of their children’s education during the COVID-19 pandemic, Senate and House Republicans have penned a letter to Governor Jared Polis, requesting a special session to tackle the pressing issue. The letter, delivered…

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