By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
One of the first items the Raton City Commission did Tuesday night June 9, 2020 at their regular meeting was to recognize City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci who was awarded the City Clerk of the Year award by the New Mexico Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association.
City Manager Scott Berry gave the commission a short summary of the many duties that Antonucci does that garnered her the award. Antonucci thanked many of her fellow clerks who she has learned from and collaborated with over the years. (Link to Clerk of the Year Award )
Commissioners heard from Joe Sanderson concerning the fireworks ordinance complaining about how restrictive the current ordinance is. Berry told Sanderson he would get with him and try to figure out what he needed done.
Commissioners approved the contract with the Raton Police Officers Association giving officers and telecom officers a 1.6% pay raise this year, 2.25% in year two 2% year three with a 2.5% raise in year four. The contract also addressed the clothing allowance for the telecom officers raising it as well. Berry noted that the department has had its share of turnover due to the difficulty of the job but feels the city is competitive with other cities the size of Raton. He also noted the department is still four officers short.
Commissioners approved the annual certifications for the current CDBG grant. Jason Phillips noted that this is just some of the paperwork obligations for the grant.
Commissioners authorized City Manager Scott Berry to sign the agreements with FAA for the PAPI project at Raton Crews Field. He noted that this project will be fully funded by FAA as part of the CARES act. Normally the city is required to match 5%.
Commissioners approved resolutions 2020-40 and 41 giving support for the Whittington Center and Philmont Scout Ranch to get them back to work. Mayor Neal Segotta noted that the plan Philmont submitted to allow them to get back to work had all the right stuff to allow for social distancing and other contingencies. He noted however that the governor’s chief of staff said no to opening and that they wouldn’t budge. Both he and Commissioner Chavez noted that Philmont not opening this year for scouts would be devastating not only for Raton but also a major issue for Cimarron both economically and historically.
Commissioners heard from Antonucci about the new four-year grant with Children’s Youth and Family for the JJAC grant. Antonucci noted that the grant while four years in duration falls about $50,000 a year less than the previous grant. The total is $474,600 amounting to $118,650 a year. The grant funds the Continuum and Board activities along with the Girl’s Circle and Boy’s Council as well as the Restorative Justice program.
Commissioners approved Budget Adjustment #15 for this fiscal year noting that there is a change of $15,000 for the Aquatic Center to cover losses for the closing by the covid19 health emergency. Berry was asked if some of that shortfall could be recovered in the CARES act, which is something they will keep track of to submit for reimbursement. (Link to FY2020 Budgets Adjustment #15)
Berry noted in his report that the city has had a couple of pre-construction conferences for the Great Blocks project and the Transfers Center. He expects construction to begin on those projects soon. Berry noted that roof work has begun on the Education Center and that the roofs on the Aquatic Center, Municipal Building and Coors building. He noted that the Library and Aquatic Center have resumed limited operations.
The application for the BUILD program has been submitted in the amount of $17 million for work on the rail system. Work on Lake Maloya dam has started with core samples and other investigative work. Berry also noted that the census bureau has resumed operations and that Colfax County has only had a 47% response rate well below the national average.
Commissioners will meet again on June 23 at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting.

Michael Anne
My sincerest congratulations to you for this award. Raton is truly blessed to have you. Your dedication and devotion to your position are unmatched. No one deserves this award more than you. You are the MVP of Raton.
Bob Beaudette
Just saw this – Congrats Michael Anne ! You are truly the Clerk of the Years!! You’ve been the strong foundation , the glue, that has helped the city to move forward. I always appreciated your advice when I called. You’re always willing to help. Awesome acknowledgement and so well deserved.