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Raton City Commissioners Award Bids Approve Agreements

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


A masked Raton City Commission met Tuesday May 26, 2020 to approve agreements, award bids and approve an interim budget for the city, Raton Water Works and RPS.

After hearing from Jerod Kimble about noise complaints in south Raton and committee reports from commissioners they approved the appointment of Desiree Trujillo as Deputy Clerk. City Treasurer/Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci then swore Trujillo into office.

Commissioners approved the changes of authorized individuals to for the FNBNM bank deposits and cash transactions. Commissioners then approved the renewal of the dispatch agreement with the Town of Springer in the amount of $32,004. The Vector Control Services agreement for mosquito spraying was also approved.

Commissioners then awarded the construction contract for the Solid Waste Convenience Center to Archuleta Construction LLC. There were four bids ranging from Archuleta’s low bid of $548,000 to a high bid of $945,150 by Mick Rich Contractors, Inc.

Commissioners approved the bid of $844,935 from H.O. Construction Inc. The total amount of the project will be $916,700 including Gross Receipts Tax. The city will match the remainder of the costs with road funds.

Commissioners authorized the establishment of bank accounts for the Filter Plant Project which will soon be complete. The account at the bank is part of the funding process for the USDA Debt Service.

The FY2020 Budget Adjustment #14 had several line item adjustments and included the new funds that are being created for the filter plant project. (Link to  FY 2020 Budget Adjustment #14)

Commissioners heard from both City Manager Scott Berry and City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about the interim budget. The March GRT was not as bad as expected but the city is still waiting to see the full impact of the pandemic. Not having a clear estimate of income makes the process harder for the city, however there are some construction projects that will be proceeding that will bring in much appreciated GRT. Antonucci noted that there will be an increase in property taxes paid to the city by $36,000. She noted that the minimum wage is going up and the health insurance will increase by 3% which will need to be accounted for in the final budget. (Link to City of Raton Interim Budget FY2021) (Link to City of Raton Interim Budget FY2021 highlights)

Commissioners approved Resolution 2020-36 which puts the commissioners support behind a construction project to improve the I-25 interchange at Clayton Road and Hwy 64/87. As many in Raton have seen or even been part of the traffic congestion at the interchange the project will help address those issues. Berry noted the project will have a design phase then a construction phase which is scheduled for 2025.

Berry noted in his report that there will be some soft opening for outdoor dining at restaurants beginning today. He told commissioners that he still has not been given a good answer as to why Sugarite Canyon State Park remains closed. The city has applied for $30,000 from the CARES funding for airport operations. He added that MCMC had been noted as a top 100 critical care hospital.

Commissioners will meet again on June 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers.

Desiree Trujillo was sworn in by City Clerk/Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci Tuesday evening as the new Deputy City Clerk for the City of Raton. Antonucci noted cross training among staff is one way the office can handle vacations and other situations as they arise.
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