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Raton Commission Approves Economic Recovery Plan – Hopes to Start Opening for Business on May 1st

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday April 28, 2020 and were presented with “Raton Strong” Action Plan, a plan to reopen Raton for business beginning as soon as May 1st, pending the governor’s approval.

The plan presented to commissioners will be a tiered approach which will get most all the small businesses in Raton including dentists and some medical procedures, back open for business as of May 1st with conditions. The plan, however has to be approved by the Governor’s office and will be presented to them on Thursday April 30, for approval. Mayor Neil Segotta noted that in conversations with the Governor she agreed that one size does not fit all.

Dr. Troy Wilson noted in his comments to the commission that if we don’t get things opened back up soon that the state could lose 15% of dentists by June and if it goes into August the state could lose 40% of the dental practices. He told commissioners that his office will practice all the precautions it can to maintain a safe workplace. He also asked the commissioners to include dentist in this plan which they did. It was also noted that Raton has lost one business to the pandemic, El Matador has chosen not to reopen once the closures are lifted.

Conditions of the opening will include only 3 customers with a one out, one in basis. All customers shall maintain a mask or face covering, maintain a six-foot distance and all common areas disinfected throughout the day. The list of businesses and subsequent phases are in the link. (Link to Raton Economic Recovery Plan)

Commissioners approved the contracts with Lindmark for billboards in Capulin and at 905 S 2nd street here in Raton. The Capulin billboard was first leased by the Raton Chamber of Commerce which went dark at the end of March. Commissioners approved a 3-year lease for that billboard and approved the lease of property for the billboard near the south underpass. Lindmark noted that they had reached an agreement with First National Bank of New Mexico to keep the sign as is and FNBNM would maintain and make the changes to the sign.

Commissioners approved changing the date on the Hops and Vines celebration permits. The event has been tentatively rescheduled for June 6, 2020 at the Raton Museum.

Commissioners approved the termination of the lease agreement on the Armory south of Raton near Crews Field. The lead cleanup has finally been completed and with the termination of the lease agreement the New Mexico Armory board will finalize the process of donating the building to the city of Raton which the city has gladly accepted.

Commissioners approved a CES proposal from J3 Systems to re-roof the Center for Community Innovation, education building. The cost of the project is just over $52,000 with additional costs for the CES filings and architect work for the roof.

Commissioners heard that the budget is still intact but what the future holds is unknown. The GRT was still 2.05% above budget. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted that it will be June before we start to see GRT numbers from the pandemic closures. City Manager Scott Berry noted that the gas tax and lodger’s tax will also see major drops. The tax income for the city could be reduced by as much as 40% or more. (Link toFY 2020 3rd Quarter Financial Report)

Antonucci noted the budget adjustments were mostly line items changes which included insurance recoveries for fire department vehicle repairs. (Link to FY 2020 Budget Adjustment #12)

Berry noted in his report that the filter plant and treatment plant work will be completed by mid-May. The lift station on hospital drive is also complete. Cleanup is also ongoing in the downtown area with some street repairs and painting.

Commissioners will meet again on May 12, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting will again be streamed on KRTN’s Facebook Page and broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.

Dr Troy Wilson spoke to the commissioners expressing his concerns to get businesses open including dentist offices as soon as possible.
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