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Abundance Gardens Encourages you to Spend more Time with Plants!

4-8-2020: Update to our valued customers and friends:

Because of the worsening situation in the world at this time, I have had to make a very difficult decision to not open my business for this spring season.

As much as I absolutely love serving this community and providing a beautiful place for many of you to mingle and share my love of plants, I must heed the advice coming from the medical experts.

The directives are asking that we all stay home as much as possible and minimize the number of contacts that we have in a day.
Those at higher risk must be especially cautious and I happen to be one of those.

I have looked into many different scenarios of how I could possibly run it online or by facebook requests, curbside service and the like, but I do not feel at this time, that I am prepared or able to meet the demand of time it would take to sort everything out.
I also do not want to ask others to be at risk.

I feel that having plants at this time would be so very healing and necessary for people and that has made this decision even more difficult.

I offer my sincerest gratitude for the patronage that has allowed me to continue being in business for 22 years.

I plan on opening again next year and hope for a much brighter 2021!

Please take care of yourselves and Stay Safe.

Reasons to spend more time with plants:

* Plants make you happy! 🌿😊

* Plants relieve stress 🌷😣

* Plants improve memory, learning, and creativity 🌻🧠

* Plants connect you to nature, which is good for the soul 🌹😇

* Planting a garden is a great family activity 🥕👩🌾🍅👨🌾

* Plants clean the air in your home 🌺😷

* Plants help people recover faster from illness 💐🤒

* And again…Plants make you happy! 🎋🤗🌷

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