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Posts published in “Day: February 5, 2020”

Long-awaited Arkansas Valley Water Project to Receive $28 million in Federal Funds

BIG NEWS FOR SOUTHERN COLORADO! “Despite being authorized by President Kennedy nearly sixty years ago, Southern Colorado’s water needs have been put on the back burner year after year by the federal government,” Senator Larry Crowder, R-Alamosa, said. “Thanks to Senator Gardner’s leadership, we will finally see those promises begin…

Local Journalism Matters to New Mexicans

New report shows the importance of local journalism in communities. FOR RELEASE: 01/31/2020 Media Contact: Lilly Irvin-Vitela, President and Executive Director, New Mexico First The Sustainable Local Journalism in New Mexico: Community Perspectives report builds a rationale for the importance of vibrant local journalism to community well-being. By harvesting…

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