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Raton Commissioners Hear About Hemp Processing and Financial Reports

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening January 28, 2020 to hear about hemp processing, financial reports and to honor Frankie Mahannah for his Melvin Jones Fellowship award.

Commissioners then heard from Ben Romero, Capital Agronomics, Biz Core, LLC about moving their hemp processing operation to Raton. Romero was quick to point out that this is hemp not marijuana. The hemp is used for oils and many other products. Currently the operation has 240 acres of hemp production near Springfield, Colorado and they are hoping to find others to grow the product.

Romero is proposing to bring his processing operation to Raton and with the help of the city move into the Armex building which is much bigger than their current operation in Trinidad. Romero noted that it would start out with about nine employees and could grow to as many as 20 in the next three years. Jessica Barfield, Raton Economic Development Director, along with Jason Phillips have worked with Romero to make this possible and will be seeking a LEDA grant to help with building repairs at the Armex.

Commissioners reappointed Lance Romero, Kerry Medina and Terry Baca to the personnel board.

In the 2nd quarter financial report Berry noted that the city is 3.37% above budget on the GRT but followed that up with the bad news that the city has seen a steady decline in gross receipts taxes over the last 10 years, but he remains hopeful that there will be a turnaround in that decline with the help of businesses like the hemp processing plant. (Link to FY2020 2nd Qtr Financial Report)

Berry noted that after a study by the New Mexico Finance Authority they will cover the entire $50,000 cost of redoing the comprehensive plan. The city had asked for only $25,000. The $25,000 that the city had saved up will go to things like updating the zoning map and other things. A paving project at the depot rounds out the budget adjustment #6 for this month.  (Link to FY2020 Budget Adjustment #6)

Berry noted in his report that he met with our legislative delegation and presented them with Raton’s funding request which includes $300,000 for police vehicles, $500,000 for asphalt recycling and millings projects. The request also asked for $250,000 for drainage repairs in the downtown area as well as $700,000 for an economic spec building to be ready for another potential business.

The city will apply for more NMDOT money after hearing that the NMDOT call for projects schedule has been released. Berry will work with Retha Shiplett on a new personnel policy manual. He also reported that the traffic study on Rio Grande and the Frontage Road from Clayton Road to Highway 72 is complete and he will be informing the commissioners on those future plans. He also noted there will be some work at the airport which includes the construction of a Pappy landing system and runway lighting projects which are currently under review.

Raton’s very own Frankie Mahannah was awarded the Lion’s Club Melvin Jones Fellowship award at their state event in Clovis, NM recently. The award is one of the highest recognitions for a member for their dedication to humanitarian service. Frankie has been a member of that organization for over 25 years, many of it photographing the local club activities.  (Link to Frankie Mahannah Melvin Jones Fellowship)

The commission went into executive session to discuss collective bargaining with the Raton Police Officers Association.

Commissioners will likely have a quorum at the 31st annual Municipal Day to be held at the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe on February 6th and 7th.

The next regular meeting will be on February 11th at 6:00 p.m. and will be broadcast on AM 1490 KRTN.

The plaque Frankie Mahannah received is on display at City Hall for a short time.
Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster congratulates Frankie on the Melvin Jones Fellowhip award.
Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster with Frankie Mahannah the Melvin Jones award recipient. The award is one of the highest that a Lion’s Club member can receive. Frankie has been doing this for over 25 years.
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