By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City commissioners met Tuesday evening October 22, 2019 for their regular meeting to hear reports from the Shuler Restoration Board and Center for Community Innovation.
Geoff Peterson with the Center for Innovation and IN Bank Senior Vice President, Raton Market President Robert Jones was on hand to present Aaron Sena-Stevens, Marian Ray and Rheeannon Marquez with checks for their participation and winning in the Center’s business incubator boot camp program for small business start ups.
Billy Donati, President of the Shuler Restoration Board presented a short summary of what the board has accomplished over the last couple of years. Donati noted that the Shuler saw 180 days of usage in 2018 which included practice sessions, movies and theater shows which is up from previous years as well as an increase in rental fees.
Commissioners approved a Lodger’s Tax request for $1750 to the Center for Innovation to be a sponsor in the KRDO 13 days of Christmas Getaways. One lucky viewer will receive a getaway to Raton to see the local Christmas traditions.
Joe Pobar was present to request more non-promotional funds for more work on the irrigation system at the Country Club. Last year’s work has been completed and the Stay and Play promotion was a great success with several people staying and playing at the golf course. The Stay and Play program helped to put heads in beds thus increase the Lodger’s Tax income to the city. Commissioners approved $20,000 more for the work.
Part of the discussion that came up during the presentation was about wildlife damage to the course. Part of the discussion was to have a depredation hunt but that would require the city to make an exception to the firearms discharge ordinance inside the city limits.
Commissioners also approved the name changes on the governmental liquor license which is leased by the country club. The name changes were required since the country club has new board members and this needed to be done before the December renewal of the license.
Lindmark Outdoor Media has worked out a deal to purchase the billboard at the Armex property and the one at 905 South Second Street (south underpass) from Raton Sign Company. The lease agreement for the billboard at the Armex was approved with commissioners postponing approval of the one at the south underpass. Commissioners wanted to discuss the billboard further as Lindmark wants to upgrade the billboard for a vinyl sign and take away the old lettering system that presently resides on the sign.
Commissioner approved a task change order to allow for design work to be done for paving and drainage at the train depot. City Manager Scott Berry noted that there is over $200,000 in federal funding left over from another project that will go to do the work at the depot.
Commissioners also approved an agreement to have the State Dam Safety Bureau begin work on the feasibility study to move the spillway from the top of the dam over to the auxiliary spillway which is the area of the boat ramp. The work will determine if this is a viable project and what it will take to do that.
Approval of a $6000 grant from Homeland Security for WIPP Training was approved. This will pay for four Raton Fire and Emergency Services personnel to ravel south to get training and for others to do some training up in Raton.
The grant agreement with CYFD was approved for the Juvenile Justice grant with some improvements which include a four-year contract instead of a one-year contract. The admin fee has gone up to 5% from 4%.
The Capital Asset Inventory has been completed and approved by commissioners. The inventory is required for audit purposes and according to City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci the city has some equipment that will likely need to be auctioned off.
The first quarter financial report was approved noting a 2.32% increase in GRT over budget. Berry noted that it is good but would be better if the amount was closer to 4%. The budget adjustment included changes for the new Economic Development position funding. (Link to First Qtr Financial Reports) (Link to Budget Adjustment #3)
City Manager Scott Berry noted in his report that the county and city will be working on prisoner policies for hospital evaluations. City crews have completed painting on the south underpass and began winterizing the city parks irrigation systems. The application to New Mexico Mainstreet was completed and sent in.
Berry is working with Better City for a EDA Grant and will be planning to put vehicle charging stations at the Multi-Modal Center.
Commissioners will meet again on November 12 at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting.