By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening July 23, and approved a rezoning request, final budgets and MOUs at their second regular meeting of the new fiscal year.
The first item on the Tuesday agenda was a request to rezone Block 16, lots 17-20 of the Fairview addition consisting of 3.70 acres from a mobile home subdivision to a R-5 residential district. With no opposition and little discussion commissioners approved the rezone request. Mark Pena owner of the property is hoping to build or place some kind of residential structures for senior citizens on the property.
Commissioners approved a celebration permit for the Gate City Music Festival. According to event coordinator Brenda Ferri there are three breweries and one distillery that will be at the event on August 30 thru September 1.
Commissioners approved the MOU with Raton Schools for the resource officer for the 2019-2020 school year. This year the school will cover all the matching funds for the grant. The city picked up the tab for matching funds the first year and split it with the schools in the second year.
Commissioners approved a ground lease agreement with Charles Sheldon and his wife so they can build a 40×44 foot hangar at Crews Field Airport. The hangar will be in the second row of hangars and the 19thsuch structure on the property.
Commissioners approved the MOU with the Shuler Restoration Corporation noting changes in the agreement to allow KRTN to occupy unused space in the Shuler Theater. They also approved an MOU with the Juvenile Justice Continuum Advisory Board for another year.
Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster and Commissioner Lorri Chatterly were appointed voting members of the Municipal League for the upcoming conference to be held in Las Cruces.
Approval was also given for signatory authority for the Rural Infrastructure Loan program for the transfer station.
Commissioners approved the June 2019 financial reports for the city, Raton Public Service Company and Raton Water Works. Final Budget adjustments for the three entities were also approved as well as final budgets for FY 2020. City Tresurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted that the city saw an improvement of .3% in May’s gross receipts over what was budgeted. The city also has an increase in its year end cash balance of $2,344,204. With hard work and careful management the city came in 11% under budget on operating expenses which added to the ending cash balance. (Link to City of Raton FY2019 Final Budget Adjustment)
RPS General Manager Sandy Chavez noted that in December Tri-State increased the transmission fee by 12%. RPS covered that with cost of fuel adjustments and they have budgeted higher for that increase this fiscal year. Raton Water Works made a franchise payment to the city in the amount of $351,144. Raton water works will see increases in rates this fiscal year affecting their budget numbers.
Links to
City of Raton Financial Report June 2019
RPS Final FY 2019 Financial Report
RWW Final FY2019 Financial Report
City of Raton Final Budget FY2020
City Manager Scott Berry will meet with the NMDOT District 4 Engineer to discuss issues with the I-25 Clayton Road interchange. Then move on up the ladder to the department secretary and highway commissioners. He has also visited with Century Link about improving Raton’s broadband capabilities. They have several small fiber projects in the works for Raton. Berry noted that the city is still seeking input on the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). A copy of the current ICIP can be found in the July 9 meeting story.
Commissioners will meet again on August 13 for their next regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. which will be broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.