By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
A report from Jared Chatterly, Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, lead the business portion of the Raton City Commission meeting Tuesday evening, March 12.
In Chatterly’s report he informed the commission that out of a 24-hour day there is about 8 hours that can be dedicated to some form of recreation. It’s not just the big sports like football and basketball but also includes hunting, music and a whole host of activities. Those activities that are outdoor in nature have created a $887 billion business providing 7.6 million jobs producing 65.3 billion in federal taxes and 59.2 in state and local tax revenue.
He went on to add that 65% of New Mexicans participate in outdoor recreation. More than twice as many jobs in NM depend on outdoor recreation than on the energy and mining sectors combined. The Parks and Recreation department is involved in many aquatic activities such as Aqua Zumba and aerobics. The department sponsors dance classes and helps with other activities that Ratonians participate in such as Zumba, the adult basketball and softball leagues. Events such as the MOM and DAD are growing and bringing more participants to Raton. Chatterly is hoping this will be the year the MOM hits 100 participants. The DAD he hopes will grow with the growth in mountain biking nationwide.
Future plans for the department include a Bike Park, outdoor Amphitheater and Sand Volleyball court. He noted the big thing about sand volleyball is beach sand is kind of expensive in New Mexico. From there he answered questions about the Aquatic Center and that it will be needing some maintenance in the future but the facility is getting regional coverage with Aguilar schools bringing students over as well as Springer schools bringing students in April.
Commissioners approved the appointment of Terri Segotta, John Duran and Victor Romero to the Housing Authority Board.
Commissioners approved the public celebration permits for the Raton MainStreet Hops and Vines held April 27that the Raton Museum with Colfax Ale Cellar, Blu Dragon Fly Brewing Company and Noisy Water Winery. Brenda Ferri noted that they have some of the local restaurants that will be bringing food in for the event.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board recommendations for $5400 to the Center for Community Innovation for Media advertising and marketing. $2032 for print ads in the Albuquerque Journal summer guide. $12,000 for advertising on KRDO TV.
The Country Club sprinkler system request was tabled as City Manager Scott Berry noted there still needs to be some work done on the proposal.
Commissioners then approved the agreement with Hi-Bay Enterprises who will be renovating an empty building on Second Street. The project does meet the requirements of LEDA financing for economic development. The building will house spaces for small entrepreneurs, light manufacturing and possibly an indoor event venue.
Commissioners approved budget adjustment #11 which included insurance money for the building at Gabriele Field. (Link to Budget Adjustment #11 FY2019)
Berry noted in his report that Mayor Segotta is in Washington DC to meet with legislators about a new market tax credit. Part of Raton’s downtown however doesn’t qualify because of the historical district. They are hoping to get some rules changed in order for Raton to qualify for the tax credits.
Construction will begin soon on the filter plant and the taxiway project at the airport. Berry also noted that both Lake Maloya and Eagle Nest Lake are filling and Eagle Nest is at full storage for the city.
The next regular meeting will be March 26, at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers.