By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met January 8thfor their first meeting of the new year taking care of some legal housekeeping items such as the open meetings resolution and holiday schedule before moving on to the regular business of the city.
Laurie Bunker was present to give out the awards for the holiday decorating contest for residential;
1st place Tina Vigil Torres, 2nd place Carol Mares, 3rd Place Monty Colangelo.
In the Business Category winners are;
1st Place Enchanted Grounds, 2nd Place FlowerLand and 3rd Place Solano’s.
Commissioners then discussed the MOU with the Raton Chamber of Commerce which clarifies the responsibilities of the Chamber. This action was requested after the Chamber has run under the previous MOU for over a year now. The MOU explains that the city will be responsible for the building and all utilities as well as phone and Internet service.
The Chamber will use the $2,500 it gets from Lodger’s Tax monies each month to promote tourism and other tourist related activities. The Chamber will also take care of building cleaning costs as well as grounds keeping costs that go above and beyond what the city provides. (Link to MOU with Raton Chamber of Commerce)
Commissioners approved Resolution 2019-02 naming the Multi-Modal Center to Heritage Park. The new name is to reflect upon the city’s heritage, history, diverse ethnicity and the unique cultural influence of generations of citizens that built and developed the community. (Link to Heritage Park Resolution)
Commissioner also passed Resolution 2019-03 officially adopting the new brand along with its logo, colors and styles. “Raton – YourPass” will be the official marketing brand for the city.
Commissioners discussed and unanimously voted to opt into the November election cycle. In order to move into the regular election cycle the terms of commissioners will be extended by a year. Commissioners who were elected to a term ending in 2020 will serve until December 31, 2021. Commissioners whose term ends in 2022 will be in office until December 31, 2023. New terms will begin on January 1 after the November election. (Link to Municiapl Election)
Commissioners postponed a vote on the agreement between Raton Public Service Company and Twin Eagle Resources Management, LLC at the request of City Manager Scott Berry who noted that there is still some legal work being done on the agreement at this time.
Commissioners heard that Phil Long Ford was the only bidder for a four-wheel drive SUV for the fire department but there were some problems with the proper paperwork, so the city will go back to bid for the vehicle.
Commissioners approved the November 2018 financial report which shows another drop in gross receipts taxes. The drop is just under $10,000 at $9,675 or .4% below budget projections. The concern is that the GRT trend will continue through the winter months and the city will have to look for non-recurring costs that can be delayed till later in the fiscal year in hopes the GRT will rebound. If the decline continues the city could see a general fund deficit. (Link to November 2018 Financial Report)
Commissioners approved the budget adjustment #7 for FY 2019 that includes grant money for phase three of fire station #1 upstairs renovation project and includes transfers for the Filter Plant project. (Link to Budget Adjustment #7)
In the city manager’s report, Scott Berry talked about how good the town hall meeting went earlier in the day with Senator Pete Campos and Representative Jack Chatfield. He noted they talked at length about the Lake Maloya Dam project and the importance of getting it funded. He also noted the city is pulling water out of the Cimarron River and as a result Lake Maloya’s water level has begun to rise. The hope is that spring runoff will bring the water level over the spillway.
He noted that Municipal Day at the legislature is February 20 and that if commissioners wanted to attend, they should let Michael Anne know so arrangements can be made.
There will be another Southwest Chief Rally in Las Vegas on April 19 and Berry noted he has been asked to speak at that rally.
The Hart Street water project as well as the Great Blocks project on First Street have run into weather delays but should make progress this week with good weather. Both projects will be finalized in a March/April time frame.
The filter plant project is beginning preliminary work and site work on that project should begin in March.
The city will begin work on the dressing rooms/basement in the Shuler soon.
Commissioners entered into executive session and returned to open meeting to award the Center for Sustainability $10,000, Joe Rodman doing business as High Bay Enterprises $37,000, Grow Raton $10,000 and Better Cities up to $48,000 for Business and Economic Development services contigent upon signed agreements with all parties involved. Agreements will be drawn up for each entity and presented to the commission for approval at upcoming meetings.
Commissioners then adjourned and will meet again on January 22 at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting which will be aired on KRTN AM 1490.