By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media –
Despite being at home under the weather, she attended her last meeting via phone as fellow Commissioners wished Mayor Sandra Mantz the best and honored her with a plaque for her 8 years of service at the Tuesday, Feb., 27th regular meeting at City Hall.
Commissioners began the business portion of the meeting by approving the Public Celebration Permits for the Raton MainStreet Spring Hops and Vine tasting event to be held in the Raton Museum on April 14. This year will have four, Sierra Blanca Brewing Company, Black Mesa Winery, LLC. Balzano Vineyard Winery and New Mexico Cider attending and bringing their brews and wines for tasting. Diana Sanchez told commissioners this is an annual fundraising event for Raton MainStreet.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax Board recommendations to the Raton Beautification Coalition for the Raton Flower Festival to help advertise summer events and provide some color for the downtown area, for $10,810 and also approved $1,241.91 to help Raton MainStreet send Brenda Ferri to the National Conference in Kansas City. MainStreet is required to send their director at least every other year to the national conference, Ferri did not attend last year. Commissioners postponed a decision on the High Altitude Vitae Fitness Bench Press Competition as no one was present to speak about the event as commissioners have further questions about the event.
Commissioners approved the MOU with Raton Little League for this season. Cory Gomez noted they are also working at attracting another state tourney.
Commissioners approved the reappointment of Allen Litchfield to the Raton Water Board.
Commissioners accepted the bid for $105,000 for the Cat 816F landfill compactor from San Luis Regional Solid Waste Authority in Alamosa. They also accepted the bid from RW Butt Construction for the 1979 Flat Bed truck in the amount of $475.
Fifth street is on the MAP plan for repaving and other work from Nevada to Tiger Drive. The application will be for $300,000 to do the work with the city providing $75,000 matching funds. The city will also apply for Coop funding from the NMDOT for work on Brilliant and Hart Streets. At the same time Raton Water Works will do some work on a steel pipeline that has been repaired several times over the years
Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci that city finances are holding their own with another month of above budget gross receipts. The 5.1% GRT was up in part because the city had budgeted less income from GRT this year than last. (Link to January 2018 Financial Report)
Commissioners approved an additional principal payment of $210,000 for the Aquatic Center then approved the FY18 Budget Adjustment #9 to cover that payment. City Manager Scott Berry noted that another 20,000 passenger car tires were removed from the transfer station. Link to FY18 Budget Adjustment #9
In Berry’s report to the commission he noted that the legislature approved $175,000 for public works equipment for the City. He is waiting on the bond sales and the governor’s signature before beginning work on bid requests. The airport project still needs to complete the stripping and pavement markings to complete that project. Berry noted State Aviation and FAA are talking about a phase two project at the airport.
The city finally got concurrence from Amtrak to proceed with the depot agreements. They will need to move quickly on this to insure the federal funds are spent before they run out.
The swearing in ceremony for new commissioners will be March 12 at 5:30 at City Hall with the next regular meeting being March 13, at 6:00 p.m.