By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners dealt with budget issues before adjourning to closed executive session on Tuesday, January 24th to discuss the lawsuit over the landfill and collective bargaining negotiations with the Raton Firefighters union.
This month’s budget adjustments were simple transfers of money to complete closing out a couple of projects for the airport and the debt service on the aquatic center. The financial report also had good news from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci, in that the gross receipts tax was up again by as much as 5.26% over budget which amounts to $146.300.74. (Link to Budget Adjustment#7FY17002) (Link to 2ndQtr Financial Report)
Commissioners then approved the Title VI plan which is needed to secure federal funding. The plan, which has bee unchanged since first put in effect in 1964, deals with Civil Rights discrimination and states that the city will be in compliance on these issues in order to secure federal funding.
Commissioners also approved an additional principal payment for the aquatic center to help bring that debt down.
Commissioners reappointed Janis Schumpert to the Library board before moving on to the city manager’s report.
Berry noted that the state legislature was dealing with the budget shortfall and he will be traveling to Santa Fe for other city matters soon. He indicated that they would talk about capital outlay monies but didn’t expect to receive any this year.
Signage for the new gate at the entrance for the Crews Field Airport has been ordered. The signage will advise entrants on how to use the switch for the automatic gate. There is still some wildlife on the property and the NM Game and Fish department is working to get those animals removed.
Commissioners will meet again on February 14 at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting which will be broadcast on AM 1490 KRTN.
Commissioners then moved into executive session.