By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening for a short meeting and with little discussion approved the changes to the personnel ordinance to meet the agreement set forth by the recent negotiations with the fire fighters.
The changes come from a lawsuit concerning prohibited practices and create a labor relations management board to oversee impasses in negotiations. Thomas Griego of the PLRB also noted in a report to the commission that these changes do not constitute a major change and therefore will keep the grandfather status of the city ordinance intact. Commissioners then approved the changes.
The juvenile justice program asked for a budget adjustment to spread out funding among the three restorative programs they have in place this year. They are seeing an increase in referrals in these programs and will move $5000 from the girl’s program.
Commissioners then approved budget adjustment number five for fiscal year 2017 moving funds around in fire grants and fire fund. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted the bid for the airport gate came in at $12,675 which was over the NMAD grant of $11,400 and the city’s match of $600 so the additional funds will come out of the general fund. (Link to october-2016-financial-report)
Antonucci noted the increase of 3.37% in the gross receipts tax this last month over what was budgeted. Commissioners approved the financial report. They then approved the change in the mileage reimbursement amount not to exceed the $.54 that the IRS currently shows on the books.
Commissioner Chavez made the motion to approve and extend the billboard lease with Lamar Outdoor after hearing they would pay $500 a year for the billboard that resides on city property. By Lamar paying the lease on the billboard it helps with the city’s advertising cost on that billboard. Mayor Mantz however voted against it wanting to see it remain at two years.
Commissioners approved the appoint of Laurie Bunker to the Lodger’s tax board and Rick Neurauter to the ETZ zoning board.
In Scott Berry’s report to commissioners he noted the Environment Department wants to monitor ground water at I-25 and Folsom Ave which is located behind Hooter Brown’s. He commented on the SPARK group providing supper to first responders this evening and noted that Amtrak called about the depot lease apparently the lease agreement had not made it to the proper people at Amtrak.
Commissioners then adjourned and will meet again on December 13, 2016 for the next regular meeting.