By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
At the Raton City Commission meeting on Tuesday, September 13th, Commissioners heard a report from Paul Jenkins who is serving as acting Raton Chamber of Commerce president in light of the recent resignation of H.M. Burleson.
Jenkins gave his report on the chamber and the progress with hiring a new tourism coordinator after the resignation of Vivien VanSweden. As part of the report Jenkins noted the Cowboy Ball and AMAP conference brought in out of town guests. The cowboy ball saw visitors from as far away as Oklahoma City this year but due to a conflict with the Whittington Center event drew substantially less revenue than expected.
City Manager Scott Berry It was noted the city has suspended payments to the chamber in light of the tourism coordinator absence, but once a new coordinator is hired the payments will resume. City Hall has received some complaints about the chamber which was one of the reason for them to be on the agenda. City Manager Scott Berry told Jenkins about the complaints which included a failure to return calls and a lack of getting information out.
There were other issues including a bill for approximately $7,500 received from the NM Magazine for three ads and with the recent resignations, it was unclear who had authorized the ads and Jenkins informed the Commission that the Chamber’s insurance carrier, after paying the deductible is paid, would cover the cost as a legal fee in order to avoid any further litigation.
Commissioner Linde’ Schuster indicated that one of the things the chamber board needed to look at was a person with social media skills as well as skills in reaching out to other organizations to eliminate conflicts similar to the one with the Whittington Center event and the cowboy ball.
Jenkins asked that one of the city commissioners be present for the interviews that will be conducted Thursday afternoon. He also asked that a commission liaison be assigned to be at the regular board meetings.
Berry then informed the commission about a phone call he had with Tourism Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Latham concerning the recent closure of the Raton Visitor’s Center. Berry noted that Latham said she would visit with representatives from Raton, but if any mention or questioning of the decision to close the Raton Center question was brought up, she would get up and leave the meeting. It has been requested that residents from the area write letters to the governor and Latham showing their displeasure with the tourism department decision to close the Raton center. It was noted the closing of the visitor center effects not just Raton but Northeastern New Mexico. This is also important in light of the number of employees in the Santa Fe Visitors Center and the fact it will stay open. Commissioner Chavez asked why they couldn’t take three of the employees from the Santa Fe Center and keep the Raton center open especially since it is the northern gateway into the state. He noted you have to drive halfway through the state to get to Santa Fe.
Commissioners also approved the street closings for the Raton High Homecoming parade on September 23 and the Domestic Violence walk on October 1st.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax board recommendations that will spend $8000 for billboards with Lamar Sign Company and $1500 for the DoTerra Oil symposium.
Commissioners also accepted the final budget approval by DFA for the city budget and approved the fire department to use the Houston Galveston area council contract to use fire fund money to purchase a new ambulance. Commissioners then approved the first budget adjustments for Fiscal year 2017. (Link to budget-adjustment-1)
City Manager Scott Berry noted in his report that the New Mexico state budget crisis will likely trickle down to Raton in other ways and not just the visitor center closure.
Construction on the Multi-Modal center has been delayed by weather and slowed significantly. Berry was hoping for it to be done by the music festival and has contacted the contractor who will bring in more workers to complete the job soon. He noted street projects are almost completed as well and that city crews are cleaning some streets in preparation of a chip seal project that he hopes will be completed by the end of September, but if not will be moved to June 2017.
The commission will meet again on September 27, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.