By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton Public Schools Board of Education began the budget process at their regular meeting Monday March 17, 2025, followed by reports and the business section of the meeting.
Myra Baird noted that the school funding for students hasn’t changed for this year. One important thing the district must track is enrollment as much of the funding is based on the 40- and 120-day student counts. The district is still waiting on the end of the legislative session this year to be able to determine exactly what funding the district will receive. One of the other areas of concern is the at-risk program and again are waiting for the legislative session to end to know where the district stands on that funding.
Baird noted that health insurance premiums are going up with medical increasing by 9.95% and the dental plan will increase 4%. The risk insurance premium will increase 16%. The district will continue to monitor federal funding as it is up in the air as to what will happen there.
Board members heard about the capital projects funding including the boiler repair in the gym which is near completion. Currently the district has $267,793.56 in the GO Bonds funds. Baird noted the 45% of the total costs have been covered by other funding sources. The total cost of all the projects is $3,307,609 with the 45% totaling $1,473,481.
Federal Programs status report shows the current expenditures for each program with Superintendent Kristi Medina noting that there have been no updates on the programs so far.
Go Fan digital ticketing and fundraising portal will allow the district to go cashless for ticket sales and provide a portal for other fundraising for sports. There is no cost to the district for the service. The Go Fan service costs is added in to the ticket price itself. Board Member Ted Kamp wants to see a hybrid setup that will also accept cash as well as the go fan ticketing.
Baird noted that the district is coming up to the end of the third quarter and that she is working on shoring up the finances, so the district knows where they stand for the upcoming quarter and the beginning of the budget process.
The board scheduled April 21 for the next budget meeting and regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. At the high school
The district has received a grant for high impact tutoring for $30,000 for new computers for the new seventh grade class coming in next year.
The district has received a federal grant for reworking the doors in the gym to improve security in the amount of $112,127.16. Security Hardware Solutions Inc will be doing the work on the doors to include upgraded security.
The lease for the property west of the school will expire the end of March. The new lease is for $3262 which includes a small increase to cover the cost of increased property tax. The board approved the new lease.
The board approved keeping the same committee members for the finance committee and the audit committee. The board then voted to go into executive session to discuss the Superintendent evaluation and contract.
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