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Roy/Mosquero Lady Blue – Cimarron Rams Crowned District 5A Champs

By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media

Roy/Mosquero hosted the boy’s and girl’s District 5A Tournament Championship games Saturday evening March 1, 2025  at Roy Gym for what turned out to be an exciting evening of championship basketball.

Earlier in the season when the Lady Demons met the Lady Blue the Lady Blue won both games by 13 points or more and finished the regular season with a 26-0 undefeated record. The Lady Demons finished out their season with a 19-8 record. For the boys this was the fourth meeting between Cimarron and Roy/Mosquero this season, with Roy/Mosquero winning two of the three games. Cimarron came into the district matchup with a 21-7 season record and 10-2 in district play with their losses in district to Roy/Mosquero. The Blue came into the game with a 21-6 record in regular season play and going undefeated 12-0 in district play.

The Ladies took the court first with the Roy/Mosquero Lady Blue hosting the Des Moines Lady Demons for the championship game. The Lady Blue’s Tayla Proffitt controlled the jump ball and set the stage for the remainder of the game as ladies battled it out. The Lady Blue took the lead early in the game with the Lady Demons holding on with a tough and scrappy defense. The Lady Blue could only manage a two point lead at the end of the first quarter 11-9.

In the second quarter the Lady Blue found a groove and outscored the Lady Demons 22-6. The second half of the game stayed close scoring wise as both teams scored close to the same in both quarters. The Lady Blue however had to play a more cautious game as they had four players in could trouble with Tayla Proffitt fouling out late in the fourth quarter. At the final buzzer The Lady Blue marked the win column 59-38 and held the District 5A championship tournament trophy.

The boys took to the court next with Roy/Mosquero hosting the Cimarron Rams. The tone of the game was set even before the game started as the Blue were charged with a technical for dunking the ball during warmups. Uriah Martinez ripped the net with two free throws to start off the game and make it a 2-0 lead before the clock started. The Blue however wasn’t going to let that stand and after the first quarter of play lead 11-9.

The second quarter saw a couple of tie scores at 14 and 16 with both teams playing an aggressive style of defense and offense. By halftime the Rams had taken the lead by 24-15.

In the second half of the game the Blue battled back to within two but the Rams poured it on and went up by as much as 22 points. Logan Said and Uriah Martinez did most of the scoring in the second half for Cimarron with Martinez adding three 3-pointers and four of four at the free throw line in the third quarter alone. Cimarron went into the fourth quarter adding 20 points to their total. While both teams dropped in 17 points each in the third the Rams pulled the game out with a strong fourth quarter. At the final buzzer Cimarron took the win with a 61-43 final.

Girls Championship Game
Des Moines        9  6 10 13 38
Roy/Mosquero 11 22 14 12 59

Des Moines High Point
Holly Ward 14. – 6 of 10 free throws
Ali Poling 10 – 2 of 4 free throws – 2 3-pointers
Team Free Throws 12 of 24 attempts

Roy/Mosquero High Point
Sylvie Baca 12 including 2 – 3-pointers
Sophia DeHerrara 10 with 2 3-pointers
Tayla Proffitt 12
Natalie Smith 9 all 3 3-pointers
Nora Crisp 14  and 4 of 8 free throws
Team Free throws 7 of 12 attempts

Boys Championship Game
Cimarron           9 15 17 20 61
Roy/Mosquero 11  5 17 10  43

Cimarron High Point
Logan Sahd 16 and 4 of 4 free throws
Uriah Martinez 24 and 8 of 8 free throws with 4 3-pointers
Carlos Coca 8 and 1 of 2 free throws
Cimarron Free throws 13 of 14 attempts

Roy/Mosquero High Point
Ike Smith 11 and 5 of 6 free throws
Ayden Clavel 15 with 4 of 5 free throws and  3 3-pointers
Ethan Hazen 9
Roy/Mq Free throws 11 of 13 attempts

District 5A Champions Roy/Mosquero Lady Blue Coach Blair Clavel, Nora Crisp, Monique Solano, Kayla Smith, Tayla Proffitt, Dylan Clavel, Constantza Covarrubias, Sylvie Baca, Natalie Smith, Sophia DeHerrera, Reagan Doherty, Asst Coach Misty Gutierrez
Des Moines Lady Demons District 5A Runnerup Asst Coach Amber Atwater, Jadyn Atwater, Holly Ward, Avery Taylor, Rylan Brown, Ali Poling, Hayley Brown, Jade Samora, Katy Ward, Hailey Johnson, Thalia Ortega, Angelica Cruz, Anntanella Marquez, Head Coach Brandy Schear, Adley Schear and Rocky Toda.
Asst Coach Joe Mitchell, Asst Coach Tracey Gonzales, Trapper Whitten, Ezekiel Smith, Rickie Aguilar, Andrew Gonzales, Carlos Coca, Henry Werhane, Orion Ledoux, ? ? Coach Eloy Brazil, Uriah Martinez, Logan Sahd.
2025 District 5A Boys Runner Up Roy/Mosquero Blue Coach Blair Clavel, Michael Lopez, Joseph Flowers, ? Shawn Martinez, Grant Fudge, Jackson Fudge, Thomas DeHerrera, Ayden Clavel, Ethan Hazen, Ike Smith, Rhett Smith, Brigz Bell, Asst Coach Misty Gutierrez
Roy/Mosquero Blue Ethan Hazen battles Cimarron Ram Henry Werhane for the rebound during the District 5A boy’s championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
Ram Henry Werhane goes for the block as Blue Ethan Hazen goes up for the shot in the paint Saturday evening during the District 5A boy’s championship game in Roy.
Working for the rebound is Rhett Smith and Ike Smith during the District 5A boy’s championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
Uriah Martinez flies down the lane surrrounded by Roy/Mosquero Blue Jackson Fudge(1), Rhett Smith(5) and Ike Smith(10) during the District 5A boy’s championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
Ike Smith and Ayden Clavel work for the rebound as Logan Sahd and Andrew Gonzales are there for the takeaway attempt during the boy’s District 5A championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
Lady Blue Tayla Proffitt controls the jump ball and would set the tone for most of the rest of the game as Roy/Mosquero went on to win the District 5A girl’s championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
It’s a battle for the rebound as Lady Demon Jadyn Atwater battles Lady Blue Tayla Priffitt and Nora Crisp Saturday evening in Roy during the District 5A girl’s championship game.
Rylan Brown (10) and Sophia DeHerrera (11) battle for the ball during the girl’s District 5A championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
Lady Demon Jadyn Atwater goes up for the rebound as Lady Blue Natalie Smith(25) and Constantza Covarrubias (20) also work for the rebound during the girl’s District 5A championship game in Roy Saturday evening.
Lady Demon Hayley Brown makes the block on Lady Blue Sylvie Baca Saturday evening during the District 5A girl’s championship game in Roy.

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