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Raton High School Senior 2025 Spotlight: Izarias Justin Lucero

Raton High School Senior 2025 Spotlight


Izarias Justin Lucero, son of Angel Acevedo and Manuel Lucero


What do you think you want to be when you grow up?


What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite meal and who cooks it for you?

My mom’s chicken alfredo

What is your favorite song and why?

War with us” by youngboy. It’s a classic

What are your Hobbies?

Cruising, Going to the range, and hanging out with friends

What do you like best about RHS?

The size, I know most of my peers

What are you most proud of accomplishing in high school?

Making it this far and Graduating

What did you learn in high school that you didn’t expect to learn?

I learned about careers during career day

What do you think you will be doing in 10 years?

Gunsmithing in Texas or Tennessee

Do you have any advice for younger students?

Hold yourself accountable without blaming others

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