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Raton City Commissioners Approve Contracts

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening June 25, 2024, for their second regular meeting where they approved contracts for solid waste and IT services.

Commissioners approved the repeal of Ordinance 1026 which eliminates court fees for municipal court under New Mexico State Statute 35-14-11 which takes effect on July 1, 2024. All court fees are to be sent to the state after July 1, 2024, so this ordinance will repeal sections 34.07 – 34.09 under ordinance 927 which was put into effect on June 24, 2003.

The Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board recommended the commission approve $8313.15 for radio ads with KRTN. $8,579 will go to the Colfax County Fair Association for the Cowboy Summer Swing. $2500 Center for Community Innovation for social media influencer, International Santa Fe Trails Balloon Rally and the 4th of July celebration activities.

Run to Raton has requested a change of location from the El Portal Lot over to the Raton Aquatic Center. Commissioners approved the change.

Commissioners deliberated the ICIP for this year. There are 40 items on the plan with the top three being the Lake Maloya Dam safety for $30 million. Storm drainage system improvements for $1.7 million and the Raton Depot Renovation for $2 million. The ICIP is a planning tool that establishes priorities for the city and is administered through the Department of Finance and Administration Local Government Division.

Commissioners heard about the changes to the collective bargaining agreement with city employees. Commissioners approved the new agreement

Commissioners approved a one-year extension to the agreement with Arthur Regional Landfill/GGH Wagon Mound LLC. The contract will run through June 30, 2025. The tipping fee will increase from $27.50 per ton to $31.64 per ton.

The city is requesting an extension for the $399,000.00 quality of life grant agreement from June 30, 2024, to June 30, 2026. Commissioners approved the extension with about $217,000 left to be spent. The city is still waiting on container restrooms and bleachers.

Commissioners heard about the contract from Envision IT Solutions from Englewood, Colorado to provide IT services backup, licenses and care on a total of nine servers across the city.

City of Raton $35,500.37

Raton Water Works $11,833.45

RPS  $14,974.52

Police $51,684.12

Fire  $17,120.40

For a total of $131,085.86 Which is an increase of $16,771.20 over last year.

Commissioners approved the annual contract with Colfax County for Vector Control Services. The agreement is for $3,000 a month for pesticides and delivery of the pesticide within the city and will advise the sprayer of locations that should not be sprayed.

Commissioners approved the agreement with the Colfax County Seniors Citizens for the Senior Center in Raton. The agreement covers the cost of electricity, sewer Liability Insurance, water, maintenance and repairs and snow removal. This agreement covers the next fiscal year from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.

Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about the Raton Lease Accounting Policy. The policy was instituted last year as per the audit findings and includes leasing of office space and land. There is a $15,000 threshold so smaller leases wont show up in the report. Each year the leases will be evaluated for annual review.

Antonucci presented the May FY24 financial reports which once again showed a 5.21% increase in GRT. The city is in the process of collecting grant reimbursements hoping they will all be collected by the end of the FY period. If not they will be budgeted for repayment in the FY25 time frame. Lodger’s tax is down about 8% so far this year as well as the gas tax being down 18% at the close of the fiscal year. The city received the insurance premiums update which is only 10% above last year.

City Manager Rick Mestas noted in his report that the application for assistance from the National Park Service rivers, trails and conservation assistance program has been selected for the 2024-2025 project cycle. Three of the new police officers will be attending the police academy next month. Placer AI will be conducting training at city hall this week and there will be a meeting with the Colfax County Manager, Trinidad City Manager and Las Animas County Manager on the DOT Thriving community’s grant.

Mestas gave a big thank you to all the employees who worked so hard to get the ball fields ready for the Little League tournament. In his closing remarks he had some interesting comments below is a link to those comments. (Link to Comments City Manager Comments)


Sophia Peterson is the new Municipal Court Clerk and was presented tot he commission Tuesday evening at the regular meeting.
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